Thursday 21 July 2011

11 Cavendish Square Christmas Launch

Christmas comes early in London...the 20th July to be exact. Last night was the launch of 11 Cavendish squares Christmas season and menu.

Greeted by a scantily clad dancer and 10th Christmas tree, this had the potential to be more than your average Wednesday night. Cocktails and champagne arrival consisted of orange mojitos and David sparkling wine...both fine but nothing to write home about.

The first canapes (table food, almost like peanuts and crisps) were breaded olives stuffed with salmon or feta. I've never had breaded olives before and I was excited. They were however decidedly average. No where near enough salmon or feta to appreciate it, bread coating overpowered any olive taste. Still I was starving...

When the canapes arrived there were nowhere near enough to go around. The alcohol to food ratio (although to some I'm sure was considered excellent) was poor. The can can girl waitresses didn't even have the chance to strut around the room like I'm sure they were supposed to with the trays of assorted quails eggs, foie gras and duck terrine...literally they would take one step in the room and assorted event organisers were pouncing like they had never eaten a meal in their life. It was embarrassing.

The venue itself was very nice, open feeling due to the glass roof, and although it was cold and raining (got to love London in midsummer...) it was neither cold or noisy. My favourite touch was the vintage umbrellas and staff waiting for you to cross the 12ft courtyard on either side. It was genius.

The wine and cocktails continued to flow long after the food had dried up, and this was all before 2030! I would recommend the venue for a party, but would insist on bowl food rather than sporadic canapes. Still not a bad night. Goodie bag left a lot to be desired. A piece of birthday cake was the highlight!

A swift trip to match bar after..absolutely years since I've been's still exactly the same! Overall a 6/10 night!

What will top Monday?!

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