Wednesday 5 October 2011

The only way is to be Made in Chelsea

One of the hottest days of the year...and a day off for me, timing. I had a fair bit to do before Cannes so no lie in...well out of bed at 8.25 isn't too bad for a work day. I was amazed how efficient I was in the morning, I had to pick up the last bits I needed from town then have my nails done. I was still aiming to boycott the butcher/pedicurist so a new one would have to be found. The ones I had done in Ealing were sub standard, it's so annoying when somewhere you know and trust let's you down!
I walked to the nearest half decent shopping area managed to be there for the doors opening at 9am, 2 shops then a walk home in less than an hour! Amazing. It wasn't until I was on my way home that I realised I needed to return a DVD to Sainsbury’s (apparently we don’t need three copies of Sex And The City 2 in the house). I had left said DVD at home, meaning I'd have to go out again to return it...not as efficient as I thought. In terms of nail bars as well...why opening so late?! No luck there so headed home again. I decided I would bite the bullet and go back to the original nail place, I knew when they opened...I knew the cost and I knew they would do a good job. En route however I did stumble upon another one. I decide to poke my head in and ask for the price...alas it is the same as my original £13 for an infill. (Trust me, the Vietnamese run places are so well priced and much better than some of the high street chains were you can pay upwards of £70.)
The girls in there were all very nice and I selected my nail colour..albeit from a smaller selection than my normal place, but a change may not be too bad! They started working on my nails and I was pretty impressed, she did a good job. The only place they fell down was on the painting, she smudged it a bit and there is no UV dryer, so they weren’t fully dry, hence they smudged more when I left. Not bad enough to really worry about, but they weren’t perfect. I’ll probably go back here though – just because it is close to home and a good price, the quality was good enough.
So nails and shopping done all before 12, this was progress, and what was in store for the rest of this gorgeous day? Lunching on the Kings Road dhaaaling!
An appropriate hot weather Chelsea friendly outfit was selected, a nude body con top tucked into faded denim shorts and black wedges. I've never been to Kings Road so it was a pleasant surprise when I exited the tube station and it lived up to expectations. The venue we were going for lunch was a fair way down so we got to window shop a number of gorgeous shops. We also observed how nice even the McDonalds was...and the Pizza Express looks like it belongs in Caesars Palace!
Our destination? The Bluebird Cafe. After a good Google of the best alfresco dining venues this really stood out, the courtyard is huge and really nicely laid out. The added bonus I wasn't expecting? Freshly grilled burgers on the BBQ! Amazing, that was my menu selection sorted! But first things first...a jug of Pimms was practically mandatory.

The clientele here were clearly a very affluent bunch ('obvs'). How they manage to accumulate all of those shopping bags while tottering around in 6 inch platorm Louboutins is beyond me, but can someone please show me?!
I ordered the burger which also came with bacon, salsa, coleslaw and fries...all of the above? Out of this world. The burger although pretty much dripping with grease was delicious, the bacon crispy, the ‘slaw tangy and the fries thin cut, deelish. I didn't even feel guilty eating it since everyone at the restaurant was a size 6, clearly they have all the calories removed from their food.

We enjoyed a couple of hours here before deciding we wanted some late afternoon sun (the garden had shaded over by 4). We walked back up the Kings Road as had passed a number of potential establishments. We stumbled upon black and blue, or was quiet (too late for lunch, too early for dinner) but the seats were in the sun and the cocktail menu was appealing. I opted for a Terrys martini, and Terry’s it was! With vodka and orange liquor and something chocolatey – it was amazing, but it went down all too fast!
Now it was decision time....stay drinking into the night or head home at a sensible time to pack properly for Cannes? Sensibility took over and off we headed, I was being picked up in the morning for 4 days in the south of France, do I want to be hungover for that?!
However...I did not go home before I had a good snog. I've never had one before and lots of people were walking down the street having one, and am not one to want to miss out!

Bluebird ratings:

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Drink: 3/5
Overall: 4/5

Absolutely recommend for a sunny day.

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