Sunday 13 November 2011

A Liberty bit Pudsey

I love Liberty - it is such a nice building but doesn't really get a lot of attention, it seems to be overshadowed by the also fabulous Selfridges on the Oxford Street end and on the upmarket side of things Fenwicks on the Bond Street side. Having worked in Liberty house adjoining the building I have a lot of time for the place. It also has the most amazing chocolate shop with lashing of Charbonnel et Walker truffles (my favourite).

Today we came across the designer Pudsey Bear's, they are very cute. I'm assuming they are going to be auctioned for the Children in Need Charity, hopefully the Louis Vuitton Pudsey comes with the suitcase! The Liberty one was probably my favourite, I just loved his tiny Liberty carrier bag!

I have to say, as much as I love the shop I think Selfridges do outdo them on the Christmas store front, or maybe they are just a bit more out there with kitsch. It was very classically festive.

It's beginning to look a lot like Chrismas...

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