Monday 30 January 2012

#Fail #EPICFail

So, I had a pretty much train wreck of a day on Saturday. I decided to go to Westfield (west, not east) to collect my Michael Kors bag that has been held captive at the repair unit since mid December. It started off OK, I picked up a couple of pieces in the French Connection sale (although I did try on 12 items and only two were deemed worthy of a purchase). I then went to collect my bag.

The girl I have dealt with over email and phone was on holiday, however the other lady in the shop was very helpful and immediately pranced backstage (to the store room) to collect my estranged love one. An uncomfortable amount of time later she reappeared with a carrier bag, out of it...not my bag. So, back she went this time less of an uncomfortable amount she reappeared, this time with the correct bag. Phew. I was however slightly disappointed with the service, it took over a month (granted it was over Christmas), but I thought maybe the bag would have been cleaned/polished/buffed to a pristine condition for my troubles, it wasn't. Still worse was to come...

I may be completely overreacting here, but since when haven't you been able to pay for goods in Boots with part Advantage card points, part cash/card? I had a couple of smaller items and a 3 for 2 offer on haircare. I also have almost £15 in points (around the same amount of the two hair products). My items were scanned and I entered my Advantage Card. I then stated I wanted to pay with points and was told I didn't have enough, so I said I'd pay the rest on card. This is when the trouble started.

I literally said it was the strangest thing I've ever heard, why couldn't I part pay? He didn't know. His genius answer was to pay for two of the haircare products on card then the rest with my points....errrr slight's a 3 for 2 deal! WHY would I want to pay for something that would be free should I buy it together? He said if I purchased the other smaller items on card I would have enough points to pay for my 3 for 2. So that's what I did. When it came to buy the rest I was 8 points short and he refused for me to make up the 8p in cash. So stupid. When I pointed out you always could pay part and part another clerk butted in to say 'yeah about 10-15 years ago'. I was so enraged I didn't buy the things. Seriously, that is such a stupid rule.

I then continued shopping and was pretty knarked off. I even went as far as to pull Boots a dirty look as I walked by (mature). I decided to go into Debenhams to look for a camera case. The camera I got for Christmas really isn't in the best 'hands' residing in one of my running gloves acting as a make shift case. When in here there were some nice gifty bits...I thought this would be a pretty good pressie for a relative named Bill.

This is the moment where I turned around and felt my bag of French connection goodies be blocked in it's path by something...a vase. It teetered while all I could do was look in despair. My reflex was to block it's fall with my shoe. It did actually cushion it a bit. Not enough. It then swayed joyfully on the floor as it smashed into a million pieces. Great. I am 'that' person, thank god I wasn't out shopping with my Mum, she always used to say 'careful you don't smash anything' and my personal favourite...'you'll have to pay for that.'

I looked around helplessly as no store workers rushed over to assist. There were however some children running around (no, I didn't think about blaming them) and a parent who looked at me with a 'Judgey von Holier than thou' face. I was therefore reluctant to step away from my mess in case a) a child got hurt or b) Judgey thought I was bolting. Eventually I had to leave the mess. I picked up the two biggest bits of glass and took them to a nearby till point where three cashiers were having a merry old chat and not serving any customers. I presented them with my smashed produce and asked for a brush. One of the young attendees said he didn't have one but walked off. I followed him and retreated back to my mess. As I was trailing in his wake I asked if I should pay for the vase. Thankfully the answer was a casual 'no' as if this happens all the time. And here was me with the fear of god in me I was going to banned/penniless/shamed.

I thought I should take my sorry arse home after this, but I wanted some nice dinner and a bottle of champagne having just received a bonus at work. I went to M&S first as they usually have a decent selection, but no. Nothing that tickled my fancy. I then deduced in Morrisons they would be very reasonably priced. After trawling the wine aisle three times I couldn't see any champagne. My eyes were literally deceiving me. I asked an attendant and champagne is actually kept, in this particular Shepherds Bush branch of Morrisons...behind the cigarette counter. Classy. I went over there, the selection was tiny and the queue was enormous. Cue my leaving. Tesco Express on the way home would have to do.

Somehow on the way home from the station I managed to MISS Tesco express. How? I have no idea. It has surely been moved. Thus concludes my epic fail of a day.

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