Wednesday 18 January 2012


I hang my head in shame. I am a terrible slacker - no posts in two months = bad form. I am blaming Christmas and general December craziness. I am also by no means going to try and catch up on what's gone on. A couple of photo highlights will suffice.

On a high note a got a brand spanking mew amazing camera for Christmas. I did however think this would instantly make me into photographic did not. I'm trying my best at getting to grips with the settings however I have become strangely addicted to fish eye...Another revolution in my life is Instagram. Yes I may be late in adopting, but what I lose in speed I've made up for in commitment! It has replaced my regular camera on the new iPhone 4.

Not a believer in new years resolutions but I am intending to do better and keeping my life in order and blog up to date (two very separate things you understand.)

Cliff Richard is a standard feature in our household at Christmas time, who can resist a bit of Mistletoe and Wine

The duck to accompany the turkey...

One of my first forays into the world of Instagram! This is taken from inside Bafta

My amazing advent calendar, Lindor, bunnies and one the last day a chocolate Santa

Not a fan of Christmas pudding but THIS I love

Enjoying the unseasonably mild weather we were having in December

Ice skating in Brighton

Utilising the fish eye effect...badly

Organisation in the Carrie household for dinner

My presents all wrapped for the family with little critters poking out the top, who wouldn't want one of these?

It was love at first site, Jimmy Choo, sequins, peep toe everything about this is right.

Day trip to Brighton, the sun desperately trying to poke through the clouds

The family tree, fire on, it doesn't get cosier

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