Sunday 22 January 2012

Superhero by day, Superhero by night

Last night was Superhero fancy dress for a 30th birthday. Fancy dress is not something I've done aside from Halloween since leaving University, it has somewhat lost it's appeal (not that it had much then). However the bar in Covent Garden was a good one (classic 80's tunes and free flowing champagne) and I decided on a subtle outfit that could be easily covered up with a coat.

My secret identity? Clark Kent. Not superman, but his daytime guise. I already have the glasses so shirt on top of Superman top (technically pyjamas I already own...) and bright blue skinnes with knee high boots. Effortless, classy (as far as fancy dress goes) and season appropriate.

Luckily others made significantly more effort than me. It was a veritable wash of poly-blend acrylic and over shoe material boots...

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