Thursday 2 February 2012

My music video début

A very cold Sunday in January, stay at home under the duvet for a DVD day? Not for me and Daytona Lights (a band you may have seen in Hollyoaks should you be so cultured). They were filming their debut music video in the country and I was going along for the ride. Literally, after being picked up at 7am in a minibus. Rock and Roll.

The concept for the day was sort of Alice in Wonderland type experience whereby a whole manner of weird and wonderful things would be occurring in a manor house in Suffolk. And a very nice house it is too belonging to a very nice country gent named Charlie.

Notice the peacock on the roof? There were three at various points throughout the day

On arriving at the manor the first thing to do (after lighting a fire) was begin building a house of cards. I was amazing at this aided by a pritt stick. It did feel a tad like school though after having to keep reaching over people as they weren't sharing the glue...Here is our creation as used in the video...impressive eh?

The boys began the day of filming with solo acts. Taking place in varying locations in the stately rooms each would play their instrument (or sing in Danny’s case) along to the playback of the single. The song du jour was ‘My Place’, luckily my favourite song from the album - since I would be listening to it roughly 27,000 times throughout the day.

After the individual shots it was time for some outside (brrr), one of the outhouses of the building was apparently called the fornication room as this is where the master of the house would ‘entertain’ the milk maid. However this could have been a made up story, we aren't sure, but I'd like to think it was true. 

Thankfully it was then back inside for the black tie takeaway. Some other scenes to be filmed around this table, the mad hatters tea party and surgical removal of Sam's head with a chainsaw. Marvellous. 

One of the most hilarious sessions of the day was the princess’ knitting. How this came about and who dreamt it up I have no idea, but comedy value it certainly is. Myself and the crew totally forgot we were filming a music video and decided this could easily be a sitcom, producers and scriptwriters pay attention…
One of the most impressive scenes of the day came courtesy of the English National Ballet. 4 dancers elegantly performing in front of the impressive exterior of the mansion, how they managed to not show the pain on their faces from the cold is amazing. Seeing them dance is equally impressive.

A mere 15 hours later and it was time to head back into London and try and thaw out. I don't remember being that cold in a long time. The sort of freezing where you can't even imagine ever being warm again.

Once the video is ready I will post it on here, I did film a scene with two of the boys, If I am banished to the directors cutting room floor I will not be impressed. I want my 5 seconds of fame thank you very much...I think I can feel stardom beckoning. Today a freezing cold manor in the country - tomorrow the Hollywood walk of fame.

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