Sunday 19 February 2012

Serious Stack-wich

Probably not one of the most interesting blog posts of all time, but this sandwich deserves some attention.

The day in between Marrakech and Berlin, lunch was proving a tricky ask. My usual go to food of convenience and craving is sushi but today I fancied a change. I am also usually limited by only having card to pay by (more so as its usually Amex) today I had cash. the city was my oyster. But I didn't fancy those either.

I walked up and down leather lane with nothing taking my fancy it all felt so done, and then I remembered the 'go to' bacon sandwich shop of a-more frequent than is healthy-Friday morning. I usually stare lovingly at the freshly made dishes and breads, salads and particularly avocado that all looks so appealing (however usually craving my bacon fix more than thinking ahead to lunch).

I took it as a good sight the queue was out the door, however this is a problem when yo want to look at the counter for inspiration. Chicken and avocado was the winner. Stacked on a bloomer bread with added mozzarella and salad. It was honestly...ridiculous.

Boring, maybe...but undeniably epic.

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