Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sunshine on a Snowy Day

So, early February, in London - it's snowing. In Morocco it's hot hot hot. Winter sunshine has become a staple in my year. Egypt for New Years, Caribbean for my birthday, this year...Morocco for er, a well deserved break.

You can find out more about the cultural and relaxing parts of the trip on these previous blogs. However I just wanted to share with you the beauty of our hotel. So many pools and water slides, so little time. In the summer I imagine this place is havoc. Children must literally lose their minds. Luckily in February it was quiet. Like really quiet. Choice of sunbeds, no queue for breakfast and our choice of spa appointments. Bliss. The weather also picked up everyday we were there, but even on the first day it was like a lovely spring day in the UK. Drinking strawberry daiquiri's in my t-shirt, not too shabby.

Hopefully this can bring a bit of warmth to your day...I have hung up my shades indefinitely. Let's hope they are pulled out of retirement soon.

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