Thursday 15 March 2012

Come Dine With Me

Yes, the very popular Channel 4 programme. I was actually a fan years ago when it was on only on Sunday's on More4 - and before they changed the format to 4 people in an hour show. It has since then been copied by groups of friends up and down the land, and we are no exception.

Tomorrow I am hosting round 1. It actually the second time we have done this, last year we didn't score properly but chose a winner. It wasn't me. This time round, I'm determined it will be. We will also be voting properly and in secret.

For my menu I will be doing Thai. Thai fishcakes for start, Thai red curry for main and a traditional...chocolate cheesecake for dessert, well almost Thai. This is maybe the first time I have made a proper three course meal from scratch. Things I have done I am proud of: whipping cream by hand, making fish cakes with flour (a proper ingredient in my book) and having everything organised before the main event tomorrow evening.

The only thing I am contemplating now is if I should cook my curry tonight and just heat through tomorrow - it could go one of two ways 1) the flavours could intensify and make it better (as food often is on day two) or 2) it could be too dry and spoilt. I think I may do some of the work as one of the worst things of a dinner party is not being able to socialise with your guests.

Here are some sneaky pictures. I will upload all of my recipes afterwards (if they turn out well that is!) Tesco shop:

Thai Goodness
Dessert goodies
I made the cheesecake first:

I whipped the cream by a point of agony

This means I've formed enough peaks right?

Not quite smooth, but I'm sure it's delicious, well the bowl was
The chef's prerogative is to of course lick the bowl. And the spoon (no raw eggs, we were fine). Once I had done this it was onto the fish cakes.
Pre egg and fish

Blended - myself
I couldn't be prouder if they were my babies! (well OK maybe I'm over-exaggerating
OK I've decided against cooking the curry tonight. I'm exhausted. I do have one more job though, get these lovelies chilling.

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