Friday 9 March 2012

Go for the Burritos, Amigos!

Work nights out can be literally hard work, hardly feeling like a night out at all (trust me, if you don't go 'out' for work you won't understand). In this case it wasn't that bad at all...

Starting at Rushes in Soho, a fantastic outdoor spot. Now stay with me...outdoors? In March? Are you insane? Well no clearly not. I was thinking the same as you, particularly as I got dressed judging by my Barcelona temperature on the iPhone not realising it wasn't looking at the UK
The party had a lovely sail like canopy which kept the nasty part of the weather out while keeping the lovely crisp March air inside. The drinks were also plentiful and free flowing...another catalyst to not getting cold.

We had a few glasses of champagne and supped down canapés from Mexico, Thailand, England and who knows where else. A delightful collection I can only fault by never seeing a dessert pass me although American brownies were advertised. I had even promised to stash some in my handbag for colleagues who had to go early.

Following the party we were going for dinner, compliments of Google places. The venue was Benito's Hat. We thought it would be packed and mediocre so didn't rush there...oh how we were wrong. On arrival the incredibly lovely and knowledgeable 'Benito' took our order, only after we had taste tested slow roasted pork vs steak. The steak won hands down. It was tender, flavoursome and downright delicious. We piled it with cheese, salad and spicy sauce.

Honestly...I've eaten burritos in my time, even Daddy Donkey couldn't compare to this. This was in a class of its own. It was described by my dining partner as 'a different flavour with every mouthful and so fresh' and it so was. Everything was delicious, I was almost mad with myself that I couldn't finish it (bloody canapés)

I think it was too much food for lunch, especially as they came with a side of tortillas, but in the evening...why the hell not! We each had a beer but they also do cocktails (241 from 5-7pm), you could easily make it your dinner with friends, or take a date.

If you like your burritos with maximum flavour and minimum fuss...see you in the queue. We were at the Oxford Circus branch, but there is also Goodge Street and Covent Garden. Find out more here

(Follow me on Twitter for more deals like this from time to time)

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