Thursday 1 March 2012

Not that Pinterested

Pintrest has been gaining a lot of attention over the last couple of months - being tipped as the next big social media platform. Personally while I can see the appeal of browsing others boards, I just have no idea when people have time to fill the boards.

Lets face it, you don't come across pictures of gorgeous dinner party ideas, cute animals or idyllic beach scenes in your everyday working life. You go browsing for those pictures. Just when do people have time?

Pinterest can be a great thing - but there are debates around who owns the images, who gets credit and sites who sell images may be a little bit shaking in their boots to think someone can just click Pin It.

It is however driving more traffic to sites than all consumer magazines combined, businesses are paying attention and content marketers are sniffing around. Personally in a B2B arena I'm not sold for this yet either. Pinning music maybe? (Although is Spotify the Pinterest for the music industry?)
What...I just 'happened' upon this image while I was working...
So the jury is out for me, while I may be interested to browse some blogger boards - I can't quite see the appeal of building my own. If you would like to look at a whole host of weird and wonderful things check it out here.

Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Instagram...just when oh when will I have time to dedicate to this?
Sooo Pinning this on my 'pets looking sideways board!'

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