Friday 13 April 2012

Being Whisked Away

Some people think romance is dead. Mostly, it is. Things don't happen nowadays like they do in the movies. Casablanca, An Officer and a Gentlemen (are the only two I can think of right now). Recently I was one of these people. Romance has been spoiled with instant communication, Facebook, emails and mobile phones. No longer do we receive messages, surprise visits at the door hec barely even flowers or cards (unless someone has done something wrong).

I am here today to admit I am tempted to go for the other team at the minute as I have recently allowed myself to be swept away and whisked off my feet quite literally. I am going to say it started last week when said whisker was at the airport waiting at arrivals on my return from Barcelona - and not because he was picking me up/collecting me, I wasn't expecting him. It was quite simply a surprise. W (whisker) travelled to Luton only to travel back to London with me where we there had champagne at St Pancras and dinner. However this was only the beginning.

The next day W told me to meet him at London Bridge, he had booked a hotel (after booking the day off work for the occasion). I had no idea where we were staying but living in Brighton for 5 years I thought I knew the place. I was wrong.

Our destination? Blanch House, an amazing boutique hotel with an extremely charming owner who made us feel instantly welcome and like one of the family. How it should be in a boutique place. Having no idea about the hotel I was in for a real treat. We were taken upstairs to the Perrier Jouet suite. The previous night I had made a passing comment about the fact I would like a bottle of PJ having been drawn to the bottle. I have yet to treat myself to one however. This wasn't a hint, so how had this happened?!

We walked into the room and it was amazing. The most plush surroundings and what on the dresser? You guessed it...

After enjoying the room and champers we wandered into the city for some dinner. It was a lovely evening and the Brighton Eye was a nice edition to the skyline since I moved away.

The next day the weather was absolutely glorious. After an epic breakfast of pancakes, bananas, maple syrup and bacon (him) and a healthy, stylish fry up (me) we headed out for a stroll around the lanes, a laze on the beach and a very long lunch.

After a fantastic day it was back to London and the real world. After this though, am I to believe romance is alive and kicking? Time will tell.

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