Saturday 21 April 2012

Pitt Cue Restaurant Review

Honestly as I am writing this I may burst. I am groaningly full in the best possible way. Tonight we had an eye wateringly, roll your eyes back into your head and let out a little moan good meal. Pitt cue in Soho has only been open for 3 months but it is already a staple to those in the know. Their website only has opening hours and venue and the polite info that there is no booking, just show up queue and deal with it. On this particular Friday night we arrived around 5.50pm for the 6pm opening (in the rain).

We were lucky enough to get into the bar around 6.15pm for a predicted hour wait for a table. You see the restaurant has 20 covers, max. The bar holds about 30 an the street continually full of eager diners.

We were one of the lucky 'early Ines' who grabbed a spot at the bar and ogled the cocktail menu. First up we both opted for Hard Lemonade, bourbon, Cointreau and home made lemonade. The cocktails are served short and strong...perfect. We settled right into our wait, with our glorious tab who was named Mufasa.I highly recommend the Hard Lemonade as the Kentucky Iced Tea I had next was not as good (it was a special not on the regular menu).

In no time at all our hour was up and we were being whisked downstairs through the throngs of queued people practically lynching us with their eyes. Honestly there are 5 tables in this restaurant, it's basically like someones kitchen. The menu is simple and straightforward- meat, sides, specials, extras. We opted for 2 of each (sans the specials) aka too much.

We were hoping the wings arrived first so we could digest before everything else arrived. Everything arrived so fast! Now here is the most important part to not go here on a date! Get stuck in. The only way to eat these is with hot sauce all over your face and on your hands, arms, elbows ( no I don't know how it got there either but it did) honestly I don't know how they did that with a chicken. It was delish.

Next up we tucked into the pulled pork and slaw. Honestly this pulled pork matched with the saucy, drippy yet crunchy slaw was probably the best thing I've ever had in my mouth. It literally made my eyes roll back into my head an let out quite a loud happy moan. It was immense.

Next up, the beef ribs. The broccoli that accompanied this was probably the most fattening broccoli I have ever had. Naturally it was also the tastiest. It was white sprouting, and meted in lashings of butter and garlic. Now onto the ribs. Time for another eye rolling moment. The meat was so tender it literally fell off the bone.It went amazingly well with the hot sauce on the table.

They were also completely enormous.The pork and slaw was the best for me though. So amazing, there really is nothing else to say about it, just try it.

Now we only enquired about dessert as I honestly didn't think there would be any. We weren't intending to order anything - until the immortal words 'chocolate and peanut butter brownie with white chocolate shavings'. Our lovely waiter assured us it would be at least 10 minutes so our meal would have space to go down. When it arrived luckily it wasn't too big.

Once our now becoming best friend (especially as he kept the beers coming, we were on the 'whatever' by now) asked what we thought of the dessert, the only word that sprung to mind was 'filthy'. It was absolutely filthy and delicious. My stomach was so sore from eating too much and laughing (good company helps). It was hands down the best meal I have had in a long time.

Someone asked us in the bar on the way out if it was worth the wait, the answer if you haven't guessed it by now is...I'll see you in the queue.

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 5/5
Drink: 4/5
Overall: 4.5/5

The overall gets bumped up because the food was so ridiculously good.

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