Wednesday 23 May 2012


Although coming onto my radar a while back (no thanks to Cheryl Cole) I wasn't sold into Stylistpick. If I was in the market for shoes (their main forte) I would shop for shoes, simple.

It just so happened I have been looking for some new summer wedges. I had perused the shops and online outlets to no avail, then a work friend alerted me to a 2 for £40 offer Stylistpick were would be rude not to really.

I had to complete my profile even though I would have preferred to browse all and choose what I actually liked rather than what a computer thinks I'm going to like based on 20 fashion related questions. I came out as Classic, sure I'll take that.

I had already seen a pair of wedges I liked in my friends showroom that didn't appear on mine. You can however browse and shop the full collection, which is what I did.

I ordered on Tuesday they arrived the following Monday, not the fastest service and at a cost of £3.50. Free shipping is available but only of you sign up to be a VIP. They don't make the costs associated with this very easy to find. I opted to not do it, as I said I prefer to shop on a requirement basis not just monthly because new styles have been released.

The packaging is excessive But nice and feels like you are buying into quality. To get an idea of size here is my two pairs of packaged shoes compared to the shoes I had on beforehand...

Initially I put one of each on to gauge comfort/which pair would rub. I almost convinced myself I was going to pick a pair and send the others back...who was I kidding for £20 a pair?!

When I had to actually leave the office, I opted to wear these for the day. For c.6 inches they were pretty comfy although I am used to wearing heels most of the time. When I took them off at the end of the day the soles were pretty worn, which is fast as I only popped out at lunchtime and aside from that was in a carpeted office, so they will only likely do a season.

 Here are my second pair...a bit more sophisticated for summer evenings.

So what do you think? Tempted to sign up? If you do I would advise not buying when the showroom comes out but wait for deals like this later on in the month.

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