Wednesday 9 May 2012

A Very Country Wedding

Once we settled into Devon it was time to head to the village of Appledore for a very traditional British wedding.

After weeks of terrible weather and torrential rail (during the *ahem* drought) we were luckily blessed with a sunny but crisp day. The church was very nice, the west coast of the country is very hilly aka lots of nice views and houses precariously perched on banking countryside hills.

The vicar conducting the wedding was absolutely brilliant, I'm not sure he was supposed to have the congregation in stitches after quips such as FHB..."family hold back, stay out of their marriage if they want your help they'll ask", if your children are likely to cry/make a lot of noise please take them outside and leave them there, otherwise no one will be concentrating. He was a bit like a warm up guy, I'd quite like him for my wedding. We were surprised to not see him handing out business cards as we exited.

As we did exit the RNLI were on hand to provide a precession. The wedding 'car' was the best I've seen. The groom works with the RNLI and they didn't disappoint even providing a ladder to preserve the brides modesty...

Onto the reception we snuck in before everyone else to have a nose, all very British with Pimms and cream tea to be served first. The church hall had been decorated with bunting fairly lights and much more tasteful chintz than that awaiting us back at the hotel.

For dinner it was a hog roast, and it was delicious. I piled my plate with mozzarella avocado and rocket salad, coleslaw and lots and lots of pig. We went back for seconds and ate far too much, especially as we hadn't seen what was to come for desert. Being Devon it was local ice cream ad clotted cream with help yourself toppings, honeycomb, smarties, marshmallows, fruit, sauce, hundreds and thousands...a big kids dream. None of us could manage seconds of this.

Such is the way, we drank and ate into the small hours, dancing our little Loubie's off. It was a gorgeous day, followed by a reluctant trip back to the hotel and then 5 more hours with the joys of First Great Western.

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