Sunday 3 June 2012

Instagram Italia

Following a week in Southern Italy, I have taken a million photos. What I have managed to do however was take some ruddy good ones with my favourite toy...Instagram. Who needs a Canon with a zzzillion megapixels, a million times zoom when you can have your mobile and a dozen filters!


It all starts with a bottle of champers on the plane (obviously...) although I know drink goes to your head faster at altitude (skiing anyone?!) the same rule doesn't apply to me when flying. I seem to be immune to the effects of alcohol, and time...and sleep for that matter.

Upon landing the traditional beverage of choice is the strawberry daiquiri. This particular one was served on the terrace of the hotel. It felt at times like we were the only guests, oh the joys of travelling outside of peak times.

If you ever travel to Sorrento you will be going for a drink at the Fauno bar. It is 'the' place to see and be seen. People watching to the you often see the same person two of three times (Sorrento is a small town!) The picture above is the view through my Nastro Azzurro (Peroni to you and I). Everywhere you have a drink you are also presented with peanuts, crisps and other assorted goods.

More importantly...


The next thing I will be blogging about is the amazing fooooood I both ate and bought, including this cuttlefish black spaghetti above. Lord knows what I'm going to do with it yet but it's long, black and I'm very excited about it...
 Pasta, pasta everywhere...
This particularly charming display was outside one of the more fragrant lemon pasta shops. Sorrento specialises in locally grown oranges and lemons and what do they do with them? Limoncello...(of course), lemon pasta, lemon soap, lemon oil, lemons lemons, lemons...
The fruit is so much better than you get in this country, they are ridiculous. The sizes alone are spectacular. The colours, the smells and they are e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. 

Sightseeing (ish)

OK so most of the sightseeing photos are on my camera, these are just some of the things I found a little interesting.
Daschund...I'm sold. Harmont & Blaine is an extremely popular men, women and children's designer. The clothes are very nautical and casual, my favourite thing about it however is the sign. Sucker.
 The main square of Sorrento...take your life in your hands with the traffic it comes from all directions. Walk with conviction and look like you know what you're doing was my tactic and I'm still here to tell the tale...
 This church, otherwise known as the bane of my holiday. Every 15 minutes for 24 hours of the day it bongs. Here is the a normal church at the hour it goes off with a number of 'bongs' that correspond to the time. In Italy however this isn't, no. Every 15 minutes after this you get the corresponding hour bongs followed by a 'bing' to signify the 15 minute past...example, at 2.15 AM (she stresses...) bong (one bing for the first 'quarter' past). At 2.30 am...bong bong, bing bing. At 11.45pm bong x11 bing x3, enough to drive one insane.
Harbour, cruise ship (called Regent, not sure which company) with Mount Vesuvius in the background, your standard view...


Your standard holiday shot.
Shame the plane seems to have gobbled up my if only the sun would come out for some Jubilee Fun!

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