Saturday 18 August 2012

Carrie Travels: Tivoli Copenhagen

My first trip to Copenhagen, as a work trip I wasn't expecting to get any time to do anything other than watch lots of TV...(due to the fact it was a TV Festival, not because I was getting any time in my room) so it was a really pleasant surprise to get to Tivoli Gardens.

Having read about it beforehand I knew of the short previous time we had this and a walk along the river would be two things to do. We were really lucky with the weather, even on the first night eating about 10pm outside was a nice treat, so on the evening of our Trip to Tivoli we had a lovely old time!

The entrance way is pretty nice...
As were the jazz band among these lovely flowers

Chinese restaurant and bad ass roller coaster

By night
Concert hall
Once we'd had a good walk around it was time for dinner. We had been recommended the Promenaden restaurant which turns out has amazing ribs...

They come with a bucket and a bib? My kind of food
Hand for scale...did we really need the side of fries?
Bucket o' bits

Sweet interior
We stayed soaking up the atmosphere until we were the only ones left
I'm not sure we made the most of the 100k entry (around £10 per person) but we made up for it in the ribs. They were completely delicious. I ate them ALL, and could have had more. The BBQ sauce was like nothing I've tried before. You'd think they would get boring after eating so many, but they really didn't and were so meaty delicious. Highly recommend if you are in Tivoli.

The next day we even managed our stroll along the river and a perch in a deck chair...we work so hard after all!

Before we knew it it was time to head back to the station and come home. I'll be back, and this time for the whole weekend.

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