Saturday 4 August 2012

We Feast London, Street Food Festival

I'm breaking this into two parts...there are too many delicious food stuffs on offer to be in one post.
We Feast London is serving up some of the finest restaurants in London all in one place. From authentic street food to burgers, Hawkmoor and Jose Pizarro's famous Jamón Ibérico, We Feast London does exactly what it says on the tin, with some serious muscle from London's best restaurants.

Set in the gorgeous Guy's Hospital Quadrangle the sun was playing ball for once...(for a while...)
Today...We Feast

The extra touches make all the difference
We started off having a wander around all the stalls to see what was bring cooked up before committing to any one food stuff...this was going to have to be tackled strategically. There were so many good things to wrap your chops around, but for now we are just going to look at the savoury. 

First up Hawksmoor were grilling up some of their famous burgers (the restaurant more famous for steak...a bit hard to do those from a tent!) as well as macaroons from their 'Queen of Puddings' Carla Henriques.
Hawksmoor Burger and Macaroons
The rain had its way with the takeaway bag
The Hawksmoor Kimchi Burger
As you can see, the rain decided to make an appearance but it didn't matter to anyone else. The menu's may have gotten a wash, but the brollies came out and the feasting continued.

Jose Pizarro was slicing his ridiculously delicious meats, and also had garlic prawns on offer. These were going to be tough to ignore....
The Man himself Jose Pizarro
His restaurant in Bermondsey Street was one of the first things I ever blogged about, and remains my favourite tapas place in London. If you haven't been take a look here and get going!

Authentic street food vendors included those who used to be my lunchtime hot spots. Bahn Mi 11 had one of the biggest lines serving Vietnamese street food in baguette form. 
I literally couldn't fight my way closer through the throng of people
This cheeky Mexican was serving tacos and a range of salsas and accompaniments getting hotter and hotter.
La Sueno, they are hot. Taco's and mm

One place that got my FULL attention was Patty and Bun, still on the mission to find London's Best Burger I was enthralled with this display of metly-cheesy goodness 
Build a burger
Oh good god...
If you weren't hungry before...
Patty and Bun are usually at The Endurance Pub on Berwick street, I will definitely be making a trip down there any day now. I decided against the burger for now, but later wondered what it would be like taken away and eaten later...then wisely decided against it.

Barbecoa made an appearance with their pulled pork and slaw. As previously reviewed the pork is good, and if you haven't tried Pitt Cue you may think it's out of this world. Still, it is good pork, sticky and sweet with a strong BBQ flavour... it would be rude to not have a little nibble

Adam Perry Lang's Barbecoa had a big team out for the day
The trough of pork
Barbecoa's pulled pork and slaw
St John Bread and Wine had a selection of gorgeous rustic looking breads and accompaniments

A carb's best friend. For sale by the jar to take home and impress your own friends
And for eating...right now
Dr Atkins worst nightmare

The piccalilli was good, I didn't try the others as I'm frightened of beetroot in it's obvious forms and apple sauce gives me the heeby-jeebies. It was good and the bread was much denser than I was expecting making my respectably large mouthful last longer than was polite before I was able to talk again.

Soya, another old neighbour from Leather Lane market were doing a roaring trade of their fresh seafood and noodle dishes. A serious amount of prawn-age on the grill.

Soya tempura on the grill
Noodle'y prawn goodness
Sushi rolls
Finally La Petit Paris had on offer small tapas and some beautiful looking macaroons (sweets coming in the next post)
Cheese, salami, pate...Paris I love you

With so much choice this is a fantastic day out. They are open tomorrow again and if you don't have tickets you can walk up and buy one on the day for £8. Grab your friends and cash (no cards) and fill your boots. Where else will you get to try all of this? I'm saving the best for last however...Stay tuned for the sweetest, naughtiest treats and the most delicious savoury food of the day.

Now please excuse me while I have an overstuffed you think I can get away with stretchy pants to go out this evening?!

Find out more;

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