Friday 7 September 2012

Carrie Travels: Viva Madrid

After lots of travel for work it was nice to be getting up at a ridiculous time in the morning and heading to the airport for my own pleasure. Especially to somewhere like Madrid. I've never been before and a trip with the girls for a long weekend to the Spanish Capital was just too tempting.

One caveat? There was a hen involved. Now we are not a tacky bunch but attention had to be paid. It was decided sailors was a stress free theme that could be adhered to by everyone.

On arriving the sun was shining and sangria was necessary. As I'm still trying to eat well I opted for a 4 tomato and tuna salad, which was delicious. Sometimes this eating healthy malarkey can have it's benefits.

For the evening we headed for traditional tapas and buckets of fizz. This was our quiet night. Lots of food and fun and debauchery with some of my bestests. Heaven.

The following day we had a lazy lunch in the sun, again I opted for a salmon tartare salad and won on the food ordering steaks. The others mainly had grilled cheese concoctions, buckets of pasta and generally felt terrible. I smugly scoffed my salmon tartare and it was delicious.

After this it was onto a flamenco dancing class. I've never done it before and although have seen it would have never guessed the amazing work out it would be. We sucked it all in, shuffled our feet and learnt a dance routine. It was a really nice way to break up the day (and the drinking...) although now it was time to head back to another square for more sangria.

We sat soaking up the afternoon sun drinking and chatting before heading back to the apartment to get ready for a big old night out. Of course before we headed out we had to make total fools of ourselves in the apartment. We do love to take a photo or two...

More tapas, bubbles and dancing - do we ever have to come home?!

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