Friday 5 October 2012

Brighton Bridesmaids

I have always wanted to a bridesmaid. Finally this year I got to be one. The wedding prep luckily hasn't been to drawn out with the engagement happening a mere 9 months ago. Last weekend after all the dress fittings, hen do's, present buying, prepping and planning the day arrived and we hopped on down to Brighton.
Before...looking pretty fresh
Although the wedding was taking place in a country house in the middle of no where about 40 minutes outside of Brighton, we stayed in a suite in a seafront hotel the night before - mainly to get some fabulous pictures. The sun shone for us but the wind on the bandstand was pretty nippy. There seems to be a lot of squinting going on.
Ready to roll
Are we making the sky look blue, or is it making us?
For ref, I did my own hair and make-up as well as S's (far left) I'm pretty nifty with the GHD's don't you know...also the necklace was a gift from the bride. We each have one (including She) and they are opposite wings, two of each.

Later on of course I did NOT look quite so put together and Sunday was mostly spent sleeping/eating full English breakfasts and Chinese food and groaning and the thought of how much champagne I drank. We laughed all the way home in the car reminiscing about things that had occurred throughout the day/night and cracking up at absolutely anything. Safe to say, it's a good job I wasn't driving! Also in the car the inevitable conversation of 'which one of us will be next' cropped up. I shall keep the answer a secret...

Max didn't want to be left out, such a handsome fellow
The Boys, pinkies out now...


I bought half of the field with me into the marquee
Two lovely ways to keep warm
Boy I love a good wedding!

After, I'm out...

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