Saturday 27 October 2012

Carrie Travels: A week in Cannes

Cannes is awesome. Such a fun city. The beach restaurants, bars, hotels, shops all of it oozes cool. Seriously 'enhanced' women trek up and down the Croisette with their pampered pooches while the men cruise up and down the seafront in their Ferrari's  People also work here! As we do three times a year for the various festivals. This time it was all about TV so for 5 days we worked. Hard. And yes, wining and dining on the Playboy yacht does count as work.

One thing I never get bored of? The beach or the boats. I am seriously snap happy but it's just so goddamn gorgeous.
Good morning Neverland

Instagrammed to death but looking pretty sweet

My view for the day

If you can drag yourself away from the beach, the shops don't exactly suck. Every designer who is everyone has a spot on the front. The more 'normal' shops are on the Rue D'Antibes which runs parallel to the Croisette (the front to you and me). However who doesn't want to lose an afternoon in the Louis Vuitton garden, or 'trying it on, seeing how it feels' in Dior and Prada?

Fancy Handle

Mixed in with the shops are the absolutely amazing and ridiculously expensive hotels (The Majestic will set you back €15 for a diet coke...). The Martinez is home to the most expensive sun beds I'm aware of in Cannes, they can set you back up to €450 for a bed for the day.

Drinking at the Grand
The Garden at the Majestic, yep that's a Power Ranger
Love this artwork

The architecture is also pretty sweet...

And some stuff just can't be categorised!

6 hours on here can have a serious effect on a person

Some people just can't deal...
Never a good idea to drink a green bottle of rum

The witching hour...
The above live in here. Love it.

Bridal flash mob
Regular flash mob

Cave Riviera deserves a honourable mention. From the outside it may look like a regular wine shop, but inside is an incredibly charming little bar. We opted for a Pol Roger, you can either order by the glass or take any bottle from the shelves (they have cold...) and add €12 to drink in. Marvellous.

I need one of these in my life

Don't drink and drive...
But always, ALWAYS have eggs in the morning
Farewell Cannes, see you in the spring. Any recommendations for things I must see and do next time?

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