Tuesday 2 October 2012

Restaurant Review: Viet Grill

It's like a universal truth, whenever you travel anywhere you don't like to stay too near to your accommodation to eat/drink thinking there must be more to do further a field. I think the same principle applies to where you live. For a few years I have lived within stumbling distance of little Vietnam. The area in Hoxton lined with authentic Vietnamese restaurants. I have tried a few in my time but considering I go by every day I really ought to try more.

Last week (yep I'm behind...) we went to Viet Grill - the general decision making process is which one looks busy therefore it must be good. Generally this one is busy and it has lovely decor - which was impossible to capture with my iPhone. As I was tired and a little bit stressed champagne was necessary. Probably not the best match with Vietnamese food but I just didn't care.
Viet Grill, Kingsland Road

We couldn't decide what we wanted for starters so we opted for a seafood sharing platter. This had battered prawns, squid and what we thought was crab. It was tasty anyway and my stress began to disappear. On a side note I absolutely love these huge vats of Chili sauce. Although they sell them in regular supermarkets I wouldn't buy one or nothing I eat would taste of anything other than chili...

For my main I went for pork and shrimp wonton pho. It was a pressure order at the last minute as I was really not feeling very decisive. The wontons and noodles were good but the soup was a little boring. Of course I doused it in chili...
Wonton Pho
B's beansprout fiesta
Little wonton brain
B went for a very simple noodle/beansprout salady thing, which wasn't as good as mine (a concurred conclusion). We opted to grab a bar of galaxy on the way home instead of having dessert - this is the perk of eating close to home.

aaaand we're spent
I would recommend this particular Vietnamese, the atmosphere and crowd were both great. The service was a little ropey but the food is decent and inexpensive. Must try more of these little gems...

Atmosphere: 3/5
Food: 3/5
Drink: 3/5
Overall: 3/5 It's not going to knock your socks off, but good honest food, quick and dirty.


  1. Good Afternoon,

    My name is James Edwards and I work with Vietnamese Kitchen; a growing chain of authentic, London-based Vietnamese restaurants whose venues include Cay Tre, Viet Grill and Keu Deli.

    Thank you for mentioning Viet Grill above – we really appreciate the publicity!

    I was just wondering whether you might be able to include a link to our homepage in your article?

    The link is: http://vietgrill.co.uk/

    I’d be very grateful if you could let me know your thoughts on this matter.

    Kind regards,

    James Edwards

    Outreach & Support
    Desk: 0203 4321 366
    4b Union Court, SW4 6JP

    1. Hello! Of course - all done, apologies I missed the below comment
      ...and now I fancy dumplings!! x

  2. Good Evening,

    I got in touch a couple of weeks ago on behalf of Viet Grill, who you had mentioned in the past (http://whatcarriethinks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/restaurant-review-viet-grill.html

    May I ask if you’d be able to include a link to our homepage in your article?

    The link would be: http://vietgrill.co.uk/

    If you could let me know I’d be grateful.

    Kind regards,

    James Edwards

    Outreach & Support
    Desk: 0203 4321 366
    4b Union Court, SW4 6JP
