Monday 29 October 2012

The Breakfast Club

Why anyone would want to work on a Monday is beyond me. Everywhere you want to go is quiet, the streets are clean and you get to lie in. Perfecto. However this most special of privileges is not available every week. When it is, I intend to make the most of it.

After my hour long Thai massage this morning I headed further into Islington to The Breakfast Club. If you don't know exactly what you fancy but you want some good food, The Breakfast Club is a safe bet. Enormous amount of choice which makes it very difficult to decide what to have. I was swayed between mac and cheese (an all time favourite) a pulled pork burger, a burrito and something breakfast-y.

In the end I opted for the All American, when in Rome and all that - pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs (poached), and fried potatoes. When it arrived on the plate it looked pretty good, but it tasted AMAZING. The maple syrup came out in full force, way more than I was expecting so I ended up with a very sticky table and hands.


The pancakes were small but perfectly formed light and fluffy with very streaky bacon and covered in maple syrup. I couldn't decide if I was eating breakfast, lunch or dessert. Onto the sausages and potato, this was the nicest sausage I've had in a long while (minds out of the gutter please) I'm thinking apple-y but it was cooked to perfection and not even a bit fatty. The poached eggs and potatoes meant it was all mopped up. I finished with the bacon and maple syrups (decided it was dessert) and then was fully stuffed.
Maple Syrup - and lots of

Heaven. There are a number of branches of The Breakfast Club and generally there is a queue to get in, not on this Monday Lunchtime. Also do not try and climb in the fridge here. You are in the wrong branch of The Breakfast Club. Don't be a fool, find out the right way here.

Step away from the fridge

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