Sunday 25 November 2012

South Place Hotel Bar and Grill

Looking for somewhere new to go in London can provide a challenge, especially somewhere that will take a booking for eight people at pretty short notice. luckily the twittersphere were on hand to help me out and my attention was drawn back to the South Place Hotel. I had originally heard about it through Hot-Dinners when it opened back in September.
Plated up and ready to go at South Place Hotel Bar and Grill
Housing two restaurants, the chilled out Grill on the ground floor and the fancier fish restaurant 7 floors up, I was sold on the bar and grill as soon as I spotted lobster mac and cheese on the menu. Thankfully they could squeeze us in.

We arrived early to have a drink in the bar. As far as hotel bars go it was pretty atmospheric. being so close to the city (just by Moorgate station) the crowd was as you'd expect, the chairs? Cow hide and lots of dark wood and leather. Very Mad Men.
South Place Hotel Bar
After enjoying a G&T in the bar with a very fancy straw it was in for dinner. We ordered red and white wine and got down to the ordering. Unfortunately everyone was having a steak - I didn't want to be jealous so suggested we ordered a mac and cheese on the size of the steaks...pretty sensible if you ask me. And turns out a very savvy move.
Bar and Grill Menu
First up however were the starters. Fish soup for me and the other exciting thing from the order, scallops. Which I was jealous of. it's the presentation you see, my soup was so ordinary looking. Thankfully it tasted great.

Starters out of the way we moved onto our steaks. One very strange thing - the knives were literally like butter knives. There was no way we could cut through a steak with it. we had to ask for proper steak knives, which i find a bit odd. How was the taste? Pretty darn good. Now perhaps it's because I've recently been to Hawksmoor and Disco Bistro but the steak didn't blow me away. It was a decent hunk o'filet but it didn't have the 'oh my god'liness' right through to the last bite. And was perhaps a bit overdone past it's medium rare peak.

How was the lobster mac and cheese I hear you cry? Pretty delicious. It was quite small and much runnier than your average mac and cheese but this is likely to do with the lobster bisque and Hollandaise sauce that is mixed in with the pasta and lobster. We were glad to have this on the side as the 'triple cooked chips' were nothing to write home about - they were pretty average and a bit disappointing.

Overall the night was fun. A good venue for groups and nicely laid out. Some of the smaller kinks need to be worked out (just call them fries...) but other than that, I'd be back. Especially in the summer for the 7th floor terrace.

Atmosphere: 3/5
Food: 3/5
Drink: 3/5
Overall: 3/5

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