Friday 15 February 2013

The Longroom Pub; Smithfield

Last night was a trip to the recently opened Longroom Pub in Smithfields. I’ve written about this area loads as so many cool new concept places are appearing. The Longroom is no exception. Specialising in craft beers, salt beef and grilled cheese this is simple comfort food at it’s best.
Welcome to the Longroom, Home of Grilled Cheese and Salt Beef
Although the menu is simple this does not mean there is no choice. The choice of beer is vast. From around the world, kegged, cask (I learnt about the difference!) and bottled there is something for everyone. Being a girl I naturally opted for the raspberry Bacchus fruit beer to start with. No surprises there. It was fairly strong (5%) and in a paper bag. Sucker for the small touches. It was really nice. The names of the beers are pretty hilarious and they also sport the Brew Dog brand – famous for creating the worlds strongest beer served in a dead squirrel. Seriously.

Bacchus Fruit Beer in Raspberry or Cherry
Next up I wanted a Flying Dog Raging Bitch - obviously. Unfortunately this is a rotated beer so not always on the menu. Probably a good thing considering it is 8.3% and I was feeling fairly squiffy after the fruit beer. Brew Dog red ale for me then at a much more modest 5%. As quite a traditional ale it was a bit to perfumed for me. Expert advice had to be called in for beer number 3.
The Longroom Drink Menu is vast...
Getting some expert advice, learning and drinking. It was all working
The bar manager Frank was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful when it came to choosing my next tipple. He bought over a selection of different beers to try so we could work out my tastes. Unsurprisingly they are pretty girly. I liked the colder beers rather than the cask and nothing to hoppy. I opted for a Rochefort 6 and it was delicious. Comparable to the fruit beer but a bit more credible. The range of Rochefort beers also comes in an 8 and 10 – the 10 being 11.3%, the strongest on the menu.
Would be my first choice next time - a Rochefort 6
A bit of head action
Strongest beer int the Longroom - you can tell it's getting a bit squiffy
In between all the excitement of drinking we perused the food menu. Clearly opting for a bit of everything we went for salt beef plate with pickles, Craft Beer Rarebit for him and a grilled cheese, Serrano ham, beef tomato and avocado sandwich for me. The sandwiches were totally delicious. The cheese thick and just the right quantity of stable and melty.
The Longroom Menu
Some pickles pickling away
The salt beef was warm and falling apart – in the right way. The mustard that came with it was so hot. Like my eyes were watering hot. This is a good thing in case you were wondering. The sandwich also came with a healthy dollop of blazing hot mustard (since I've been so slack in writing this and there is a time delay, I have since dispatched some people at lunchtime for salt beef...commenting on the mustard I received a typical guy response 'it wasn't that hot'.) Try it. You'll like it.
Salt Beef and Pickles

A blurry pickle, but I kind of like it!
The sandwich was amazing and I have it on good authority the soup was too...two varieties at a time, a meat and vegetarian.
Grilled cheese sandwich with avocado, ham, beef tomato
We luckily left around 11 but could have easily stayed trying more beers. In the morning I was glad we had left. So not used to drinking beer - that is almost the same % as wine in vast quantities. The Longroom will become a frequent hangout for sure.

Just on the addition of lunch, go early grab the best table then enjoy everyone else coming in. Keep up the good work guys...

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