Monday 18 March 2013

Got My Swag On

As well as lots of eating and drinking in New York, it was also my birthday (sort of) so lots of shopping was also on the cards. I came back a very happy lady...

First, I have been coveting a red Prada bag for longer than is probably healthy - second only to my desire for a Lady Dior. Having toyed with buying one for a good two years, it was high time gave in. Look at my new baby -- isn't she gorgeous?

Now another thing you may notice in this photo? My bad ass coat. This winter I fancied a faux fur, but didn't find one in London that looked (and felt) good enough, with winter being almost over (we pray) I had pretty much given up the ghost on this one.

We were in Elie Tahari innocently shopping for other things when this beauty caught my attention. I'm a bit of a fabric magpie and can't resist touching lots of things in shops. I copped a feel of this and thought it must be real, it is so incredibly soft. A quick glance at the price tag confirmed it was in fact faux fur, and had to be mine.

Wearing my new Prada and Elie Tahari pretty much made me into a New my mind. We're also not calling 'coincidence' that doormen started being much more on call, and someone stopped me in the street and asked for directions - Literally got my NY swag on. This obviously made me very happy. I am such a poser.

Some other lovely purchases? My first ever pair of High-Tops from the Converse store and a selection of Michael Kors clothes (which are my new spring wardrobe staples)

My Michael Kors cardigan 
So, what's your favourite piece?!

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