Wednesday 20 March 2013

Katz's Deli: A New York Institution

You can't really call this a restaurant review. Katz's Deli is a New York (and American) institution. Immortalised in iconic 90's film 'When Harry Met Sally' for *THAT* scene, people come in droves for the history and the meat.

We arrived quite early so the place wasn't too busy, which is good as apparently at peak times you really need to be on top of your game with the ordering. Luckily we had time to peruse the menu and make an informed decision!

If you can read the your worst!

M opted for the breakfast menu (it was around 1130am), whereas I had my sites firmly set on the stacked sandwiches. I'm a huge fan of Man Vs Food and Adam Richman, who has also taken this show here. My hope is that Adam will also bring this to London.

Having had brisket the night before at Mighty Quinn's bbq that was unfortunately out of the question. I went for soft salami. The amount he started bringing out was kind of terrifying to me. He offered me a bit to try and it was good - something they must do in the construction makes it amazing. The rye bread, stacking of meat and pickles combined together made a seriously satisfying lunch.

M's pancakes (strangely came with fries) were huge, soft, fluffy and came with plenty of maple syrup. We aren't known for our healthy choices...but to come here you really have to check your calorie counter at the door. Speaking of checking at the door, on entering you are given a yellow stub which is marked off with what you order. Do not lose your ticket! This is high pressure dining!

Once we were suitably stuffed we browsed the photos on the wall. Anyone who is anyone has dined at Katz's Deli. They also ship their famous sausages all over America (but unfortunately not!)

Katz's is near 1st Avenue / 1st Street, which excites me (geek)

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