Thursday 7 March 2013

Restaurant Review: Bob Bob Ricard

When planning my birthday this year it had to be somewhere special. I've eaten in some fabulous places this year, what to trump it? Bob Bob Ricard.
Welcome to Bob Bob Ricard - Trolley Service will pass through the train!
Decked out like the inside of a train - old fashioned and almost prohibition-esque. The wait staff wear pink waistcoats and hurry over at the press of a champagne button. I'm thinking of having one of these installed next to my bed...
The Modern Day Alice in Wonderland
The menu is varied and exciting. Pasta, fish, meat (even pies) are the order of the day. For starters? Seabass Ceviche, scallops and black pudding.

Starters at Bob Bob Ricard

Bob Bob Ricard Menu
Mac and Cheese should be on all menus everywhere
Meat mmm
The seabass was really light, which is good as I wasn't planning on eating lightly for the rest of the meal. The tomato salsa was really fresh and I ate it in about 15 seconds flat.
Seabass Ceviche
Seabass and black pudding and scallops
For mains I was completely torn between the lobster burger and seafood linguine. M opted for a chicken, mushroom and champagne pie. After much deliberation and basically soul searching it was seafood linguine. To compromise? Lobster macaroni cheese.
Seafood Linguine, clams, mussels and prawns
Lobster mac and cheese
BBR striped fries
When the pie arrived it looked like it could feed a family of four. Obviously we were going to polish it off. I was glad I'd opted for the seafood linguine as it was a nice size. This meal was a marathon, not a sprint. It was delicious. Again everything tasted so fresh. The pie was delicious. The crusty top made way for a smooth chicken-y mushroom delight. Inside it wasn't full to the brim, so predictably did not feed a family of 5 or small army...just us.

I'm so impressed by this pie topping
On the side? The lobster mac and cheese was as good if not better than expected. Definitely a weakness of mine. The fries were slicker than your average, and in a nice candy striper box. So far, so good. Not full up yet so onto pudding. Crepe Suzette with fresh oranges, trio of creme brûlée and the signature chocolate glory.
This was on fire honest - Crepe Suzette
I was expecting the crepe suzette to be the most impressive of the three. It's not often I like to admit that I'm wrong, but in this case I was wrong. The crepe suzette was good (I missed the photos of the blow-torching), the creme brûlée was delicious. Of the three flavours the chocolate was the best. The earl grey was good, but not so much as a home made chocolate cake with earl grey.

Trio of Creme Brûlée
Chocolate Glory Mark Two. What to expect from a dessert with chocolate mousse, chocolate brownie, passionfruit and more chocolate...well on arrival it looks like a hard almost plastic shell. I was almost expecting it to be like a Kinder Surprise. When the hot chocolate sauce is poured over the shell something pretty amazing happens.

Isn't it divine? Everything was completely delicious, and the champagne button got some serious usage.   Pol Roger was our bubble of choice. Such a refreshing change.

By this point I was happy stuffed. OK make it fairly stuffed. Champagne was still flowing and then...

Desperation - right there.

MORE FOOD! Such a nice touch. I love sparkly things! As I mentioned, the champagne button got some serious attention. We wondered how the waiters managed to be so attentive as soon as you press it, turn out there are tasteful lights above the bar with your table number on, lights are pressed? Pink waistcoat clad champagne fairies appear.

When we got home there was even more cake! Colin didn't feel up to coming out in the restaurant.

Happy Birthday to me!

Honest it's not pizza express, this is the reflection BBR = Subtlety
Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 5/5
Drink: 5/5
Overall: 5/5 LOVE LOVE LOVE


  1. This looks all so amazing! (Especially the champagne button and the pudding!) Definitely a good place for a birthday treat :)

  2. Absolutely, will be booking for my next special occasion (y'no, like a Wednesday!!) x
