Monday 6 May 2013

And the award goes to...

World's Worst Blogger award goes to....

Although I have the same number as hours in the day as Beyonce, there are not enough to get everything done. How does that woman do it?! 

As I'm writing this, two suitcases are laid out, one half unpacked from the long weekend, one half packed for next week. Cab is booked for 5am (the horror) Blogging has been left out in the cold like yesterday's leftovers. Unloved, disregarded and smelling a bit nasty.

I apologise (and digress) one day I will pick up from where we left off. This day (not today!) will come now from my new home, which is very exciting.

Meantime? Here are a couple of photos from M's camera that slipped through my New York round up net.

1 comment:

  1. Your hard work, dedication, and talent have truly shone through. This achievement is a testament to your passion and perseverance. Wishing you even more success and milestones ahead. Cheers to you!
