Sunday 9 October 2011

I absolutely cannot sing. But I don't care

This weekend is the first and last I have in a while with nothing on. Therefore lots of relaxation and a good Saturday night was in order. My friend invited me to come and stay at her place in St Albans, having not been for years it sounded like the sensible thing to do...get just out of London and go somewhere a bit different.

I bought a newspaper at St Pancras as I had some time, on boarding the train I found a table seat to spread out on. Sat down opposite me, a chinese couple/group of friends with the tiniest kitten I've ever seen cradled in their arms. I thought it was too obvious to take a photo, but that's all they were doing! It could however be the reason I've not stopped sneezing since, I am so sick of my nose today I'm contemplating a removal. Usually a change of atmosphere stops me sneezing, not today. I have no idea what's going on but if I can't sleep tonight because of it I'll be one unhappy bunny.

So after barely turning one page of the paper we had arrived, I was stunned how fast it was. Unfortunately I had smugly left my umbrella hanging up by the front door as it wasn't looking like rain when I left, mistake. When I arrived in St A it was the awful light frizzy hair rain. Luckily as I hadn't bothered doing anything with my hair yet I was confident I'd be able to wangle it into a decent style later with some straighteners.

We spent quite a relaxing afternoon browsing places to go in Luxembourg next weekend (more on that soon) and also reserving a space on the guest list for a club in St Albans I was assured was excellent. It was then off to the shops for some provisions. Luckily the rain had stopped and it was my first outing into St Albans centre that I can remember. The time I went before was spent mainly in Sopwell House and Batchwood Hall. There was a definite feeling of Christmas with the market and the real chill that hasn't been in the air for a while.

That evening we were heading to Veeda. Having only bought ridiculous high heels we opened ourselves up to the judgement of the taxi driver we called. It wasn't a long walk, but why put yourself through that pain? Before heading to the club we popped open a bottle of champagne which went down a treat. It was then onto Pimms which we jazzed up with raspberries and lime as well as the standard mint and cucumber. A few of these under the belt we were free to sing along enthusiastically to the X Factor, as well as this video which has been doing the rounds - it is honestly brilliant. I lost track of how many times we watched/imitated.

On arrival to the club I was amazed how much security we had to go through. It's not often I go to a club now preferring to frequent nice bars and restaurants instead. First off we were asked for ID which I then put away assuming the formality was over. I then had to get it out again for it to be scanned and my photo to appear on the screen - not sure I really approve of that. The recommended room in the venue did not disappoint apart from being totally packed.

Such good classic R&B tunes, my feet were honestly killing. We eventually ended up walking home as we deduced the front of the cab queue was about as far away as the house. It wasn't as bad as the previous time I wore these beauties so I think that wearing them with running socks in the house to stretch them out has worked.

The next day I did not even have the hint of a sore head - excellent. Staying off wine is definitely the way forward. It was great to relax on a long sofa, eat a garlic loaf dipped in alioli and watch stand by me. Bliss. Now if I could only stop sneezing!

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