Thursday 13 October 2011

Meanwhile...back at the ranch

I’ve packed a lot in this week...and god its gone fast. It feels like yesterday I sat on the sofa typing away about returning from St Albans, which is probably because I haven’t sat on the sofa since.
Monday should have been fairly straight forward – a fairly busy day at work finishing with a visit to a creative agency and a drink. It is always these nights of no expectations you have the most fun. I’ve not have much dealing with Putney in the past, but the very British pub we went to had amazing scotch eggs – no processed meat here, they were fresh and yummy. I’m pretty sure we cleared their stock.
Monday nights are also not a good night to have a glass of wine because you think you aren’t staying out late. A good couple of bottles later and lots of talk of Paranormal Activity 3 I ended up staggering home alone in the dark (sensible) thinking about Bloody Mary stalking me. The full moon helped.’s a long way from Putney, that woman was on a mission.
How often is it you are able to visit the British seaside on the south coast, central London and hear Big Ben chime and take in an evening at the British Film Museum? So Tuesday was a trip to Worthing. I’ve never been before and it’s far. It reminded me of an 80’s Brighton. Not very built up but quite picturesque. Some parts were quite run down. We did however go to a really nice restaurant for lunch just off the seafront called ‘Food’ the place looked quite fancy but the lunch menu was all at £6, including steak frites with blue cheese sauce...sold. I also opted for a cheeky lunchtime glass of wine; it’s weird that it isn’t standard practice anymore. It feels odd to be in a world where sharing a bottle of wine at lunch isn’t the done thing at least 2-3 times a week. You think my waist line would be benefitting from it? Alas no.
It was cold in Worthing so it was a relief to get back to London. I had an event to pop into in the evening at the British Film Museum; I was quite looking forward to it. I’ve looked into hiring that venue before so when we arrived and realised it was a hired out affair I was looking forward to what we may see. Also, London was looking just gorgeous.
Eventually I was disappointed. The best on show was a scuba outfit from The Bourne films. I think a lot of the rooms must have been closed off. There were hints towards life size models of space troopers and dementours. Maybe another time there will be more to see and some exciting artefact as that cannot be the prime of British cinema.
The following day I was attending the BFI on the Southbank to see a number of cross media pitches think movies and documentaries that are supported by websites and iPhone apps. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie theatre; much more comfortable than the one at BAFTA I attended a couple of weeks ago. It wasn’t long until I had to rush back to the office though to continue the crazy week. Later that evening it was off to One New Change – the new shopping centre at St Pauls. I’ve still not been since it opened earlier on in the year. It really is very nice, although now I’m not sure winter is the best time to go since it’s open air.
We ended up in Zizzi, and as they go it was a really nice one. 2 buckets of calamari 2 bread boards and an enormous pizza later I was spent. All I’ve done is eat out. Monday lunch, Tuesday lunch, Wednesday night...and I haven’t found a personal trainer yet. Bad times. I managed to take it really easy on the wine, but seriously gorged myself on food. I was feeling exceptionally enormous when I reached across the table and my Vivienne Westwood shirt ripped. Yes, ripped. Under enormous pressure of my bingo wings a fantastic shirt was no more. Gutted isn’t the word.
After popping for another drink and a catch up with some old faces I dragged myself home...on the wrong side of midnight again. The biggest mistake of the night? The calypso coffee I opted for instead of a chocolate cake. Not because I particularly wanted a chocolate cake – but because could I sleep? No. I was reminded of a particular Michael McIntyre moment where he points out you wouldn’t opt for a strong coffee at home if you were heading to bed but in a restaurant? Oh sure why not a double espresso...then you wonder why you’re lying in bed thinking about going to work and waiting for them to open the office as anything would be better than the agony of lying awake tossing and turning.
To be honest I managed a lot better than I thought I would today. This morning I was dead on my feet, a skinny vanilla latte with sugar free vanilla syrup later (and I made myself popular in the office by doing the Starbucks run) I was actually alright all day.
So what do I need to do this evening? Pack. Tomorrow I’m in London followed by a long weekend in Luxembourg, London on Tuesday, Berlin Wednesday then Leipzig Thursday and Friday. I can’t say the Leipzig part is the most appealing leg so I’m hoping I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Luxembourg is for pleasure – and Germany is for work. I’ve never been to either. At least with all this travelling I’ll have some more time to write...

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