Wednesday 11 April 2012

Viva Barcelona

Work takes me to many places, for short spaces of time and often without the chance to explore the culture. Luckily for this particular trip I was travelling on a Sunday for a conference that started on Monday, giving us an afternoon and an evening to enjoy the city. Boy am I glad. We managed to pack so much in.

I have only been to Barcelona once, for the day about 15 years ago so suffice to say I was glad my travelling companion had a good idea what he was doing. We started off dumping our bags and taking a moment to gulp at the splendor that was our hotel
The view from my bedroom window
Cannot capture the amazing-ness that was the bathroom from this photo
Should I be so inclined to light the bathroom in this way
We were staying at Hotel Arts, with this fantastic sculpture right outside the window

As we only had one day we managed to pack in: a wander through wonderful back streets, a look in and around the cathedral, plenty of tapas, wine, sangria and champagne while managing to sit both outside and inside charming establishments. I love Barcelona it's safe to say, I'd definitely go back with more time. Here are some sights. I will follow up with what we ate. Food porn to the max.

Fantastic trip, lovely weather. Viva Barcelona

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