Tuesday 10 April 2012

Wedding Planning; Part 2

After a disastrous first attempt at wedding dress shopping, I was Brighton bound to the B2B's (bride to be) home town to see if the sales people were more accommodating, and less dragon-esque.

An early start for a Saturday and 4 appointments booked in the first stop was M&S for two bottles of Champers to assist in our decision making skills. Considering I only had a can of diet coke for breakfast it would be interesting. I did manage to appreciate the view coming out of London on the way...
I also managed to get excited at my first view of the sea in a while

The first shop was where B2B had her preferred dress, therefore champagne was cracked open and I was very excited. The shop was different to the one in London, smaller but I instantly preferred it. The sales lady was incredibly nice and the dresses were gorgeous.

We spent a fair amount of time in there as this is also the venue where bridesmaids dresses were to be selected. Again there was a gorgeous selection, and I even felt like a million dollars in mine (although it was the wrong colour).
The B2B 's preferred dress had been in her mind for a while, but she wanted a third and fourth party opinion (in the form of myself and Mother in Law to be). Luckily she was bang on the money. The dress is spectacular. I am not going to post any photos on here for obvious reasons. The wedding is on September 29th, you shall have to wait until then. In the meantime here are some shots that should get you excited, if you are that way inclined.

Celebratory cocktails after selecting brides and bridesmaids dresses...and shoes!

I will definitely be going to Brighton when it's my turn, fantastic shops lovely people and great time. I'm sold. And oh so excited.

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