Sunday 8 April 2012

It's my job OK?

Working in music I am lucky enough to go to some great events. Last Thursday was no exception. We were hosting a gig for promo producers and clients. The bands? Daytona Lights (see here) and I call shotgun. The former? Poppy indie, the latter electro indie. It was to be held at the Borderline on Tottenham Court Road. Luckily I didn't have to worry too much about the organisation so was just able to arrive and enjoy myself (apart from a small bit of filming work).

The Daytonas did a great set and really got the crowd into their stride. Fish & chips were then not even the canape cone kind..the proper chippy portion kind, 300 of them.

I Call Shotgun did a great set including a cover of Nelly's Ride Wit Me. The great way to spot a brilliant cover? Know you recognise the song but you aren't able to work out what it is for ages.

One of the best parts of the night (aside from the music) was the photo booth such a good idea and talking point. Judging from the photos I seem to have been in it much more than I care to remember...

Getting used to where we need to be...
So I guess we broke the lens in the last one
With some of the Daytona's
Plenty of beer wine and champagne ensured sore heads the next day, it's a hard life, but someone has to do it.

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