Saturday 7 April 2012

Wedding Planning; Part 1

Three weeks ago after the hot dog cook off I was going for my first experience wedding dress shopping. I am maid of honour to the B2B (bride to be) who lives in Brighton. Having explored some shops alone on the south coast she wanted to try some in London and we had high expectations.

On arrival at the dress shop we were introduced to our assistant and asked what the bride was looking for. The answer to this was a few things...a bit unsure but maybe a fish tail. We were literally marched towards the fish tail section and scorn was poured if I wondered off to look anywhere else at all the delights of the shop. The B2B picked 5 dresses to try and told this was enough. She also told the assistant she had a short list of 5 and was told in a rude way that in fact is not a short list, that s when you pick 1 or 2...I beg to disagree if you pick 1 that's your dress...not a short list.

While B2B was marched off to the changing room there was another bride standing in the mirror with a dress on alone. I told her she looked nice (you know, she maybe wanted the support since she had no friends or family to gush) at this point our 'helper' decided to tell me 'other brides don't like you looking at them while they're in dresses' excuse me?

She also refused to pin my size 6-8 friend in 'in case it damaged the dresses' so she couldn't get any idea of what the sample size 10-12's would look at if they were close to fitting. After she tried 4 (for some reason she wasn't offered to try the 5th dress she had earmarked) we were basically frog marched out. I wasn't allowed to take any photos of my friend in the dresses or anything else for that matter 'not our policy it's copyright for the dresses'. The same dresses that are photographed to death in magazines? I found this hard to believe. I did sneak one photo however...

Clearly this woman wanted to go home and hated her job. B2B even said if she had love a dress she wouldn't have wanted to buy it from here due to the horrible woman. Such a shame. All this and never mind champagne we weren't even offered water...

I will not name the shop but if you are interested drop me a comment and I'll let you know. Since I had never been dress shopping before I was sorely disappointed, surely the movies can't be lying to me?! This can't be it?

Luckily we had a trip booked in to Brighton the following week to see the shortlist, and I was assured we would have a completely different experience. Of which I will keep you posted.

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