Tuesday 13 November 2012

BBC Good Food Show

After a false start and heading all the way to West London sans tickets, on Sunday I finally made it to the BBC Good Food Show. As someone who goes to a lot of trade exhibitions I don't venture to a lot of 'Consumer shows'. I am never prepared for how incredibly packed they are and how RUTHLESS people are to get their monies worth.

Feeling a tad delicate I was in the mood to gently browse and stuff my face, naturally. First up we headed to the restaurant to see what was on offer, thinking it HAD to be good. You purchase 'DC's' which are dining currency. After perusing what was on offer the choice was clear. Sushi and monkfish biryani; 4DC's (or £'s) for the sushi and 6DC's for the biryani; so the tenner that was just changed was now in another till and I was ready.

First up the biryani. It was absolutely delicious and just what the hangover doctor ordered. The sushi I managed to fumble and drop. Luckily they let me take another one and that was gone in about 5 seconds flat, luckily in my mouth this time. Was it the best sushi I've ever eaten? No. Was it functional? Yes.

Feeling slightly more human it was off to the stalls.. There was unfortunately not a huge amount of choice. Lots and lots of sauces, chili sauce, curry sauce and all sorts of sauce. I did however get to bring my new camera so this will give you a better idea of what was on offer (and what is in focus!)

I can't get enough garlic
Cured meats
Argh the crowds
Starbucks showcasing Verismo, which for the record is pretty good
Co-located with the food show is the wine show. Pretty small but some gems in there. And a hairy dog is always appreciated...
Buckfast, snigger

Bubbly Champagne Company and cute little toppers

M&S got in on the game

Then coffee was required, Starbucks Verismo Latte
Dessert? Chocolate fondue
and marshmallow fruit kebabs
White chocolate fountain was something to behold
Masterchef's at work
Did I buy anything? yes I did - three dozen sausages! They were a pack of 6 for £3 or 6 packs for £10! 36 sausages for £10, how can you say no to that?! One pack have since been made into some delicious hot dogs. The other packs are snuggled away in the freezer waiting to be turned into lazy Saturday morning breakfasts  sausage casseroles and probably more hot dogs  Does anyone have any sausage recipes to recommend to me??

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