Thursday 15 November 2012

Restaurant Review: Disco Bistro EC4

Residency's are the new black. A little more than the pop-up, but not as committed as the 'new restaurant', restaurant residencies have been popping up all over London. Tonight it was our turn to visit the newest of this breed, Disco Bistro residing upstairs in an otherwise mediocre pub on Carter Lane.

After squeezing through the after dinner drinkers in the Rising Sun downstairs we ducked through the doorway into the lowly lit Bistro upstairs. On first glance it's very quaint and atmospheric. Delicious. We were seated right by the mantelpiece with a great view of the small but perfectly formed restaurant. The menu is simple and straight forward. 3 starters, 4 mains and one dessert.

Soft and warm sourdough bread / cakes with whipped butter, delicious

My 'don't point that thing at me' face
Love a bit of fizz by candlelight
The creatures of habit that we are, there wasn't any need to look past native shrimp. All of the fish is 'boat fresh', it was caught in Cornwall yesterday and ALIVE this morning. This makes it both delicious and a little bit terrifying and blows the mind. The shrimp however weren't alive anymore.
We had one of these huge platters each...

One thing we noticed about the starter, it was huge. I didn't count the shrimp as I was scoffing them down but at the end there were a few of the little blighters on the plate.

How did they taste? The softest most delicate shellfish I've ever eaten. Generally shrimp have a little crunch and quite a firm texture, these were almost falling apart and so buttery soft they just slipped out of their shells. No muss; No fuss.

For main? Again us creatures of habit it was always going to be beef short rib. When it arrived it looked like a steak, a big juicy one. Accompanied with potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms appealing it was. I literally touched it gently with my knife and the whole thing almost collapsed  It was SO tender it was satisfyingly falling apart and again buttery soft. The diners in this restaurant can be as lazy as they like as there isn't much chewing involved. Everything just slides down the throat - whoosh; there is goes.

The mushrooms and cabbage had a very satisfying crisp...
...Against the beef that literally fell apart
Told you
The food was clearly really high quality and the menu well thought out. By this time the place was buzzy and the atmosphere was cool and chilled out. For a really intimate setting you don't feel over crowded or like you're sharing your table with neighbours. The balance is just right. Even though this was a soft launch and we had 50% off food, for two glasses of fizz two starters and two mains it was a snip. Really good value for the quality. A meal for two with wine you're looking about £35 per head.
Happiness is buttery soft beef and champagne

Love the man housing the bill...
Catch it while you can....Disco Bistro EC4 is above The Rising Sun on Carter Lane (St Paul's) for the next 6 month; opening on the 19th November. Book Here.

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Overall: 4/5

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