Thursday 15 November 2012

Selfridges Lucky Bag: Reviewed

When I got the email about limited edition Selfridges Beauty Workshop Goodie Bags, suffice to say I was incredibly excited. Billed as 'A lucky dip from the most exciting make-up, hair, skin and body brands, hand-picked within The Beauty Workshop at Selfridges. Each bag includes a minimum of five beauty must-haves, while a very lucky few contain a Beauty Workshop service gift card for the ultimate pampering experience worth £170'.

As soon as they came out I was online ordering the £15 bag (I know bargain right?!) and paying £8 for next day delivery (I know, excessive...) As promised the next day it arrived and I did an air punch and everything. It was heavy, this was looking good. I ripped it open; hence there being no photos of the sealed back. The only thing that happened next was disappointment.

The contents are not products I would associate with Selfridges. They don't feel high end or exclusive. More Boots than the most fabulous department store on earth. The contents? First out a Bourjois nail polish remover. Value £4.99. I don't actually paint my own nails thus don't have a need for nail polish remover. Still that's what explains the weight.

Next up, a James Reed wash off fake tan.Value £18.50 for the full size of 200ml, this is 30ml thus worth less than £3. It may get used; however I have loads of fake tan in the draw currently gathering dust. Third out of the bag is a Beauty Junky strawberry face-mask that looks more like it comes from the bargain section of Superdrug than the Beauty Hall of Selfridges. Value £1.99. It's getting worse...

Second to last an Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar; currently on sale in Selfridges for £10 (although it's so tiny 10ml I am not sure about this), I haven't tested it yet but it must be damn good for that price. On trying the application it's fairly tricky and tastes a bit funky...I also managed to get it on my hands...eek

Lastly a Disco Duck Creme Brulee lip balm RRP £3.99. It looks nice but it doesn't lift my disappointment. With the pretty yet thus far unexplained as to why expensive lip balm I make the total value of this a max £23.97. Not the best. As for the £170 voucher, I wasn't the lucky one. There is a voucher for an eye brow shaping, which I will likely give away.

So overall a nice idea, not very well executed. One amazing stand out product would have made up for 4 mediocre ones, but I make this all mediocre at best, poor if honest products....what a shame. Did anyone else get one and have an amazing haul? They are now sold out; there was a limited run so if you were somehow tempted; you're out of luck.


  1. poor you. Looks like a crap selection. Everyone gets the duck I think, and the fake tan. Bourjois, strawberry mask are awful I agree. Lip Tars are supposed to be amazing though. I was going to buy one along with my order of lucky bag but couldn't choose a colour. Very badly executed. If this is the best Beauty Workshop has to offer product wise then it's Harvey Nicks or Harrods from now on.

    1. I wore the lip tar last night, it didn't stay on! Because of the colour when it came off it looked like I'd been eating chocolate...not the best look! On the up side, I did get some compliments before it came off.

  2. I'm returning both of mine. I emailed customer services and said the quality of products was not what I associated with Selfridges. I got a bobble shower cap!!!

    1. I didn't realise you could return! I've used the lip gloss now; oh well. Win some you lose some...

  3. Oh no... This is a very bad bag! I don't have high hopes for mine after seeing this and I ordered a few for Xmas gifts :(

  4. I very almost got one but I've had this kinda thing from other places and I've never been impressed! Sorry you didn't really get anything too great :( I'd give them an email even if its just to let them know you aren't happy x

  5. Yours looks better than mine! Glad to hear you can possibly return them though xx

  6. Speaking of Selfridges, you would be surprised that you can sometimes find half price products, with even more than £100 off... here is something useful: Selfridges sale

