Monday 19 November 2012

Live at Kensington Roof Gardens

Kensington Roof Gardens is a fun place. A little oasis of heaven 6 floors above the streets of London, tucked away near Kensington High Street. On this occasion we were heading here for some live music. For a few months every Friday they are hosting live sessions with new and some more established bands. Arriving at 7.30 we grabbed a couple of bottles of wine, stage side seats and settled in to be entertained.

First up was Mila Falls, a young poppy act that reminded us of a bit of Cher Lloyd / Robyn hybrid. It was purrrrdy cheesy, so obviously I loved it. My favourite tune was Radio, managed to find a pretty decent sounding recording.

The act after Mila I can't actually remember, so they can't have been great. It was Gary Phelan we were here to see...and here is the man himself
Ok better picture, less artsy!

Gary specialises in rock/pop/indie and belted out some awesome ballads and anthemic stadium type tunes. His last indie fused with hip hop went down pretty amazingly and was awesome. This is my favourite Phelan tune

The last act up were a foursome called J.U.K.E of Jukeboxx (the website states both) they started off well in my book since they opened with an A Capella version of Stooshe's black heart. They did play some original stuff but the crowd went slightly crazy when Blackstreet No Diggity came on. You can download a free mix tape including this track on here

After we headed to the club and some more wine and celebrations of Gary's awesome set. All in a night's work!

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