Tuesday 20 November 2012

Restaurant Review: Pierre Victoire Soho

My first day Christmas shopping. By Christmas shopping I mean popping into two shops, mainly buying things for myself and then going for some lunch to celebrate the achievement. As I was in the Oxford Street area I had every intention to going to Bubbledogs. Then as I was striding up Tottenham Court Road, bags in hand I remembered they aren't open on Sundays.

Plan B: Head into Soho, along Dean/Wardour Street it isn't long until you find some place that lures you in. Turns out I didn't even get that far. En route to Soho I walked by Pierre Victoire, a small French Bistro that was nice and busy and offering two courses for £9.90. A quick look at the menu I was in. Slotting into a table for one, dropping my bags and perusing the massive choice.

Pierre Victoire Set Menu
 The bad thing about taking nice photos? The time it takes you to order versus eating all of the complimentary bread. I limited myself to two pieces and aimed to capture the ambiance with the lens I was learning to use the day prior. Limiting myself to two pieces of bread and unlimited photos until I got one I was happy with! Side bar, I am intending on writing a post on the equipment I'm working with.

For starter it was the mushroom, bacon and cauliflower gratin that caught my attention. Yum. There is seriously loads of choice though and I could have went for 2 or three of the starters. When it arrived it was a great size, the rocket and tomato salad was well dressed and the gratin was bubbly, cheesy and nice and hot. Delicious.

For mains I was tempted by the salmon on a bed of butternut squash risotto and the burger. I went for the burger. When it arrived I was a bit sorry that I did. It didn't look all that appealing and I wasn't expecting carrots in it! There was about half a dozen chips and a small pot of ketchup (gag). The knife was stuck in the top so hard it was firmly wedged into the board. I had to go all kinds of King Arthur / Sword in the stone to get the thing out. Wasn't the most becoming of sites to see me prising this steak knife from the burger! When I managed to chop it open it looked more appealing.The burger was well cooked and there was some evidence of mustard mayo (as well as the carrots...)
The Sword in the Stone Burger

On biting it was a nice flavour, the burger was quite small and the toppings fell out a bit (crisp lettuce heart has no place in this burger, there's just no chance it will stay together. The patty was also quite small so I was left with a lot of bun sans meat.
Overall, I should have gone for the salmon. This is a French restaurant specialising in certain things, burgers aren't one of those things. I would highly recommend the place though It had a lovely ambiance and atmosphere.

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 3/5
Drink: 3/5
Overall: 3/5

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