Sunday 30 October 2011

Shake and bake...

"That is the best thing I've ever put in my face" was a comment from one lucky recipient of the brownies I made. Admittedly they were delicious, and incredibly easy to make. The hard part is burning them off.

It is seriously easy to do...packet cookie mix (I used white chocolate chip) packet of Oreo biscuits (I alternated the rows between chocolate stuffed and original) and a brownie mix (I opted for Betty Crocker fudge, standard).

Following the recipe on the cookie box I found getting the greaseproof paper staying in the dish to be the hardest thing. After spreading this out, top with the biscuits and finally the brownie mix. Bake for 35 mins and voila...delicious melt in the middle gooey yet crunchy on the top and bottom brownies.

Speaking of burning off, I also joined the gym this week near the office. The plan is to run there (3 miles) followed by a leisurely swim and shower before heading to the office. I have only encountered a couple of problems thus far...

1) You have to pay extra for a towel at the gym...I find this odd since there is a pool - do you really have to pay £1 a time?! that is really going to add up on an annual membership. Taking my own towel not only takes up lots of space in my back pack that I'm running with - it also needs to dry during the day.

2) When I was running to work previously it was direct to the office - therefore I had left all toiletries, make up, towel, shoes etc there leaving lots of space in my bag. Faced with running to a gym I am having to carry this back and forward every day (the office isn't unlocked early enough for me to pick it up at the end of my run - another perk of previous office/running situation I had the keys and alarm key since I was usually the first person in.

By the time my towel, make up, clothes etc etc are in my backpack there really isn't room for a coat - not ideal in the winter. Also shoes are a squeeze - totally ruled out wearing knee high boots. I've also been trying to be good and make my own lunch to take in - again the need for space is a compromise. What gets left out?

3) I'm not a fan of taking a back pack out with me in the evening, especially as I have so much on in the week.

So that is the current situation. After joining on Tuesday I managed to run on Wednesday. Wednesday evening I had an awards ceremony thing - to which my back pack accompanied me. It was a fairly late night and I knew I was out on Thursday and didn't fancy a big back again so decided against the run Thursday vowing to do an extra hard workout Friday morning, little did I know I was going to have such a good night on Thursday I wouldn't be getting home until Friday morning. Damn.

As ever with Sunday nights....I promise to be better this week! I've made my lunch already so that needs to go in. With it being Halloween tomorrow I have a party to go to in the evening so will have to carry the bag. I also have very difficult decisions to make regarding footwear. The aforementioned knee high boots I purchased yesterday from Office in the sale (£25 off £120, pics to come) are divine and incredibly comfortable. I also want to wear a fairly structured blazer which doesn't pack down very well...

The joys of trying to be fit!!

Thank you to The Londoner for the fab brownie recipe...recommend the blog

Sunday 23 October 2011

The Good Life

After a freebie trip to Luxembourg and thinking that plane was very small, I was in for a real surprise when we made a long awaited trip in a friends plane to France. I'm not sure what I was expecting, I knew how many people the plane could hold but was not expecting exactly how small it was.

Let's admit it, a pilot friend with a plane is a good friend, but it's been literally years until we have found a weekend where we along with two other friends have all been free - and the weather has been good enough to pop over to France for a) the flying experience b) some fabulous lunch and c) the purchase of some amazing wine and food.

I was fortunate enough to pick up some nice bottles of red in Cora the week before - so was mainly looking forward to the first two. I dressed in what I believe to be suitable jet setting attire, a new mini maxi dress (I love this style) boots and a Karen Millen jacket (we were told to wrap up), and of course, Ray Bans. Not aviators, although the pilot was wearing those - standard.

Checks had to made on arrival at the airfield along with a refuel. We waited outside the cafe which is a really nice set up. There are lots of picnic tables and a koi carp pond. Once we had a mandatory safety briefing (and I actually listened, not like when I'm on a Boeing...) it was time to board. I was lucky enough to be co-pilot, but did spend the flight trying not to touch anything or get my knees in the way. It was a bit like being on the helicopter in Vegas with the headphones on.

The runway at Panhanger is only 875ft long, therefore take off was fast and surprisingly smooth! Turning, however is slightly different. 'Banking' the technical term you are literally doing a steep wing over and can see the floor - scary the first time but it gets very fun (especially post two bottles of wine).

Landing was probably the smoothest landing I've ever done, it was amazing. The destination was Le Touquet on the northern coast of France. It was beautiful. We browsed the shops but really our mind was on food. The pilot, being a frequent visitor knew where we could get the best mussels in Roquefort in town, sold. The restaurant was absolutely charming and the smell was out of this world.

A wonderful bottle of Sancerre, 3 portions of moules frites and a duck for a non-seafood loving friend and I was very happy. Following the Sancerre we went for a bottle of Bordeaux and creme brule - I really need to switch to a new desert soon, I feel like that's all I've been eating.

After lunch we walked on the beach - and what a beach it is. The sand was soft and it was so deep. There are also grassy sand dunes, so we decided to attempt the climb and work off some of those mussels. It was really hard to get up some of them, and at one stage I ended up flat on my rear with sand in my boots. Oopsie.

Finally a trip to the shops where we all picked up handmade chocolates and wine. The flight back I was in the back - and feeling a bit braver fuelled with Sancerre the pilot did some acrobatics. Flying at zero G with the chocolates floating around the cabin was hilarious fun, as was serious banking over the sea. They really were the screams of joy and it left with the same feeling as riding a roller coaster.

We vowed to not leave it as long next time, and to go back in the summer where we can lay on the beach and snooze off the cheese. Amazing. It is so good to get a taste of the high life. I could get used to this.

It's All Very Luxembourgish

Getting up early on a Saturday sucks...getting to the train station when it's still dark is even worse. Still being en route to a free weekend away makes it OK.

Back in July I won a 2 night 2 person break to Luxembourg. Admittedly not one of the must go places on my list..but who turns down a free holiday?

We were flying Luxair. I've never been with them before, neither have I flown from city airport. The airport and the plane? Both tiny. Being a small airport (and the ungodly hour) we were through security in no time and at the bar for eggs and smoked salmon before we noticed it was final call...whoops. We went down to the holding pen/gate and noticed the tiny plane. It had propellers. There was also only about a dozen people taking this flight which meant we got to spread out. It was also a nice treat to get complimentary drinks, breakfast and a sweet for landing...small touches that legacy and low cost have dropped. Such a shame.

On arrival in Luxembourg it was really sunny, but there was a definite chill. Taxiing to the hotel there wasn't loads to see, but when is there when you don't know what you're looking out for? Our destination was the 4 star Parc Belair in the 'centre' of Luxembourg. Always a nice treat when you check in, get to the room and realise you've been upgraded to a junior suite, complete with balcony overlooking the park. Luckily however I was with someone who it doesn't matter if we share a bed, but considering I won this at a corporate function and it was a trip for 2, the king size could have caused some problems...

View from the balcony
After unpacking and identifying the local areas of interest we set out to aim for the shopping centre via the national museum and presidents gardens. We didn't find either of those was however a relief to find the shopping centre 'city concorde'. We were thirsty and starving so lunch was the first port of call. On our long walk we had noticed lots of bars and restaurants advertising bofferding, the local beer which is actually very nice. It is of course customary wherever you go to try the local beer! Happily all the menus were in French so I could brush up on my ever improving language skills. I opted for the duck and my freebie holiday companion the chicken. On arrival of the meals it was evident cantine cuisine was the dish du jour. we swapped as the duck was utterly swimming in black pepper and the chicken was less offensive to me, the duck however was palatable to my pepper loving compadre.

After lunch we found the most exciting shop to be Cora, the local supermarket (yes this does say a lot about the centre). I was particularly excited to be able to buy a bottle of Get 27, the digestif I first fell in love with in Paris. We also stocked up on pre-game drinks for the hotel and some snacks (the minibar would not be ransacked!). It was then time for the long walk home, literally the road was called 'longway'. I was also wearing a sensible but not entirely practical 2-3 inch heel. Ouch.

After a power nap the cocktails and snacks were devoured before heading to the lovely looking bistro affiliated with the hotel. An instant affection for this place was formed when we were greeted with champagne by our wonderfully camp French waiter Jeremy. The table cloths were also topped with brown paper accompanied by a pot of crayons. Oh the child in me would be thoroughly satisfied this weekend.
I had looked on the menu for this place before we came and had taken the Luxembourgish specialty of cooking cheese to be fondue, it wasn't. We shared a platter of cured meats with a ramekin of melted cheese that was pungent but not in a good way. Luckily there were also fries...this would have to suffice for the night ahead...

We had also done some research on the nightlife of Luxembourg. The secret garden had come up very highly on review sites and also features on the 'best bars in the world' website. Expectations were also high. Once we arrived and noticed the queue the realisation hit, we were a good 10 years older than everyone else there. Depressing. When the doorman checked our ID he laughed, apparently acknowledging this fact.

On entering we noticed the pots of florescent paint waiting for the children to cover themselves in. Great- we'd be steering well clear of that. Saving grace, the music was good. We were worried how time warped Luxembourg would be, turns out not at all.

Buoyed by the decent music and staring at disbelief at the teens covered in fluorescent explicit language we deduced it was time to leave. On leaving the club we heard the positive noises of something going on nearby and discovered Urban, another of the three bars identified on best bars in the world. The crowd was thankfully more mature but the music not as good-if only we could transport this crowd to the decent music.

It was at the bar here (drinks unimaginably cheap after the prices in secret garden) I was taking a photo when I accidentally smashed a vodka and cranberry-which was splashed all over my nude Louboutins. Whoops. If this happened in London you would expect to have to pay for another drink, this is what I was expecting to do. However there was instantly someone cleaning my mess up and telling me to hold on while they made another one! Amazing. This is when we decided the Luxembourgish people really are very nice.

The remainder of our trip was made up of walking (and a but of playing) in the parks, browsing the closed shops and napping. Bliss

It is a quaint and pretty place, and we were very lucky with the weather...even managing to sit outside with an ice cream. Would I go back? Maybe with children. The short flight and vast array of parks make it great for somewhere to go with kids. There are some nice sites to see and lots of cheese and cure meats to be eaten...

The Barbour and Hunteres - essential Autumn park wear

We were confused by the lights - does amber and green mean walk or stay?!

Thursday 13 October 2011


So how annoyed am I now? Just went to update my iPhone to the latest computer memory isn't big enough for the cloud so nothing can be backed up...apparently. Then what happens? The whole thing cocks up and I lose everything on my phone and have to restore.


Photos that I haven't uploaded onto the PC, phone numbers, calendar, all my messages, notes (some relating to work), saved safari bookmarks.

Severely pissed off doesn't even cover it. Why when I plug the phone into iTunes and it syncs does it say 'backing up' what the hell is it backing up exactly if I have NOTHING?

This isn't the first time this has happened. In December last year I lost everything. Some how I have so much more this time.

Meanwhile...back at the ranch

I’ve packed a lot in this week...and god its gone fast. It feels like yesterday I sat on the sofa typing away about returning from St Albans, which is probably because I haven’t sat on the sofa since.
Monday should have been fairly straight forward – a fairly busy day at work finishing with a visit to a creative agency and a drink. It is always these nights of no expectations you have the most fun. I’ve not have much dealing with Putney in the past, but the very British pub we went to had amazing scotch eggs – no processed meat here, they were fresh and yummy. I’m pretty sure we cleared their stock.
Monday nights are also not a good night to have a glass of wine because you think you aren’t staying out late. A good couple of bottles later and lots of talk of Paranormal Activity 3 I ended up staggering home alone in the dark (sensible) thinking about Bloody Mary stalking me. The full moon helped.’s a long way from Putney, that woman was on a mission.
How often is it you are able to visit the British seaside on the south coast, central London and hear Big Ben chime and take in an evening at the British Film Museum? So Tuesday was a trip to Worthing. I’ve never been before and it’s far. It reminded me of an 80’s Brighton. Not very built up but quite picturesque. Some parts were quite run down. We did however go to a really nice restaurant for lunch just off the seafront called ‘Food’ the place looked quite fancy but the lunch menu was all at £6, including steak frites with blue cheese sauce...sold. I also opted for a cheeky lunchtime glass of wine; it’s weird that it isn’t standard practice anymore. It feels odd to be in a world where sharing a bottle of wine at lunch isn’t the done thing at least 2-3 times a week. You think my waist line would be benefitting from it? Alas no.
It was cold in Worthing so it was a relief to get back to London. I had an event to pop into in the evening at the British Film Museum; I was quite looking forward to it. I’ve looked into hiring that venue before so when we arrived and realised it was a hired out affair I was looking forward to what we may see. Also, London was looking just gorgeous.
Eventually I was disappointed. The best on show was a scuba outfit from The Bourne films. I think a lot of the rooms must have been closed off. There were hints towards life size models of space troopers and dementours. Maybe another time there will be more to see and some exciting artefact as that cannot be the prime of British cinema.
The following day I was attending the BFI on the Southbank to see a number of cross media pitches think movies and documentaries that are supported by websites and iPhone apps. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie theatre; much more comfortable than the one at BAFTA I attended a couple of weeks ago. It wasn’t long until I had to rush back to the office though to continue the crazy week. Later that evening it was off to One New Change – the new shopping centre at St Pauls. I’ve still not been since it opened earlier on in the year. It really is very nice, although now I’m not sure winter is the best time to go since it’s open air.
We ended up in Zizzi, and as they go it was a really nice one. 2 buckets of calamari 2 bread boards and an enormous pizza later I was spent. All I’ve done is eat out. Monday lunch, Tuesday lunch, Wednesday night...and I haven’t found a personal trainer yet. Bad times. I managed to take it really easy on the wine, but seriously gorged myself on food. I was feeling exceptionally enormous when I reached across the table and my Vivienne Westwood shirt ripped. Yes, ripped. Under enormous pressure of my bingo wings a fantastic shirt was no more. Gutted isn’t the word.
After popping for another drink and a catch up with some old faces I dragged myself home...on the wrong side of midnight again. The biggest mistake of the night? The calypso coffee I opted for instead of a chocolate cake. Not because I particularly wanted a chocolate cake – but because could I sleep? No. I was reminded of a particular Michael McIntyre moment where he points out you wouldn’t opt for a strong coffee at home if you were heading to bed but in a restaurant? Oh sure why not a double espresso...then you wonder why you’re lying in bed thinking about going to work and waiting for them to open the office as anything would be better than the agony of lying awake tossing and turning.
To be honest I managed a lot better than I thought I would today. This morning I was dead on my feet, a skinny vanilla latte with sugar free vanilla syrup later (and I made myself popular in the office by doing the Starbucks run) I was actually alright all day.
So what do I need to do this evening? Pack. Tomorrow I’m in London followed by a long weekend in Luxembourg, London on Tuesday, Berlin Wednesday then Leipzig Thursday and Friday. I can’t say the Leipzig part is the most appealing leg so I’m hoping I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Luxembourg is for pleasure – and Germany is for work. I’ve never been to either. At least with all this travelling I’ll have some more time to write...

Sunday 9 October 2011

I absolutely cannot sing. But I don't care

This weekend is the first and last I have in a while with nothing on. Therefore lots of relaxation and a good Saturday night was in order. My friend invited me to come and stay at her place in St Albans, having not been for years it sounded like the sensible thing to do...get just out of London and go somewhere a bit different.

I bought a newspaper at St Pancras as I had some time, on boarding the train I found a table seat to spread out on. Sat down opposite me, a chinese couple/group of friends with the tiniest kitten I've ever seen cradled in their arms. I thought it was too obvious to take a photo, but that's all they were doing! It could however be the reason I've not stopped sneezing since, I am so sick of my nose today I'm contemplating a removal. Usually a change of atmosphere stops me sneezing, not today. I have no idea what's going on but if I can't sleep tonight because of it I'll be one unhappy bunny.

So after barely turning one page of the paper we had arrived, I was stunned how fast it was. Unfortunately I had smugly left my umbrella hanging up by the front door as it wasn't looking like rain when I left, mistake. When I arrived in St A it was the awful light frizzy hair rain. Luckily as I hadn't bothered doing anything with my hair yet I was confident I'd be able to wangle it into a decent style later with some straighteners.

We spent quite a relaxing afternoon browsing places to go in Luxembourg next weekend (more on that soon) and also reserving a space on the guest list for a club in St Albans I was assured was excellent. It was then off to the shops for some provisions. Luckily the rain had stopped and it was my first outing into St Albans centre that I can remember. The time I went before was spent mainly in Sopwell House and Batchwood Hall. There was a definite feeling of Christmas with the market and the real chill that hasn't been in the air for a while.

That evening we were heading to Veeda. Having only bought ridiculous high heels we opened ourselves up to the judgement of the taxi driver we called. It wasn't a long walk, but why put yourself through that pain? Before heading to the club we popped open a bottle of champagne which went down a treat. It was then onto Pimms which we jazzed up with raspberries and lime as well as the standard mint and cucumber. A few of these under the belt we were free to sing along enthusiastically to the X Factor, as well as this video which has been doing the rounds - it is honestly brilliant. I lost track of how many times we watched/imitated.

On arrival to the club I was amazed how much security we had to go through. It's not often I go to a club now preferring to frequent nice bars and restaurants instead. First off we were asked for ID which I then put away assuming the formality was over. I then had to get it out again for it to be scanned and my photo to appear on the screen - not sure I really approve of that. The recommended room in the venue did not disappoint apart from being totally packed.

Such good classic R&B tunes, my feet were honestly killing. We eventually ended up walking home as we deduced the front of the cab queue was about as far away as the house. It wasn't as bad as the previous time I wore these beauties so I think that wearing them with running socks in the house to stretch them out has worked.

The next day I did not even have the hint of a sore head - excellent. Staying off wine is definitely the way forward. It was great to relax on a long sofa, eat a garlic loaf dipped in alioli and watch stand by me. Bliss. Now if I could only stop sneezing!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Carrie on Cannes

So after my very sensible early night post Chelsea, it was time for Cannes. Although it is a work trip not a holiday I love travelling full stop so I was really looking forward to it. The cab was collecting myself and 2 others, I was last pick up at 10am for a flight at 1pm, loads of time it should only take about an hour to get to Gatwick. Check in closed at 12.30pm, at 12.10 we were still in the taxi on the M23 literally willing the cars to part like the red sea. We were plain going to miss the flight...nightmare.
By some freak of nature we ran through the airport and straight to the front of check in. We were then waved through a special concealed fast track security and made it! Amazing it was such a relief, I have never even missed a train before so there is no chance I’d fancy missing a flight.
I have also never flown EastJet and I was pleasantly surprised. The seats were normal size and clean, I was also pretty impressed with the choice of food and drink, having not eaten all day I happily wolfed down a hot bacon baguette with a This Water, no problem.
On arrival in Cannes, a quick change of clothes and a walk down the beach to La Croisette, the main marina area which holds the bars and restaurants. It was an absolutely gorgeous evening and from our hotel it was a pleasant 40 minute walk. We went to a pizza restaurant called Palm Brassiere and sat facing the marina, beautiful. After sitting there for a good 3 hours I had cooled down a bit, so it was a welcome relief to move on to another bar for more drinks.
Palm Restaurant
The next day we had an all day work conference in a really nice hotel on the front. I woke up with Ghandi’s flip flop mouth and could not wait to get down to breakfast for a good 2l of water. Last time I was in France the breakfast was amazing so I was looking forward to it. The choice at the hotel was not as good, and my stiletto heel kept getting stuck in the decking making it logistically difficult to manoeuvre to and from the buffet. I opted for a little bit of ham and cheese and a bagette, with loads of orange juice, apple juice and water. I did feel better for it.
That evening I vowed to take it easier on the wine at dinner, we went to a gorgeous little French place called Auberge Provencale (I was so glad, when in France and all that!) Also another thing, why in Cannes are they still so stuck on Rose? I don’t think I’ve had so much in about 6 years...
Auberge Provencale

On the menu I opted for the fish soup as it sounded garlicy, mmm. It was nothing like I’ve seen before, sort of a build your own. Once we’d learnt how to do it (spread the garlic sauce on the toast, drop the toast in and top with cheese) it was beautiful. It was quite hard to spoon it out of the bottom and it was a nice place, I wasn’t going to pick it up...
For the main meal I was torn between a duck risotto and a black and white fish risotto. I opted for the black and white. Now we’d been seated at 7pm, and granted there was 24 of us but it was now after 9 and no mains had appeared. We were spread over 3 tables and the other two had finished their mains; we’d ordered first. Someone actually came in late, ordered and got their food before we had ours. Luckily I was still taking it easy on the wine but it would have been so easy to sit and get slowly sozzled.
When the main arrived I was a little disappointed, the look of the duck risotto someone else had had was amazing. Although it was very nice I wasn’t bowled over, it could have been that I had been waiting so long I’d gone past being hungry.
Now one thing I’ve really gotten into is Crème Brule...the only problem with the one on the menu was that it was lavender. I’m not a fan of lavender to smell. My housemate has one of the wheaty bags that smells like it and I don’t even like that. Someone else on the table wanted it too so we decided to share. I’m so glad I didn’t get one to myself. The lavender was so overpowering. Someone actually commented it tasted like the inside of their knicker funny and so true (not that I’ve smelled said drawer).
Tonight was the first night the conference ‘beach club’ was open, and I’d heard a lot about it from those who have been before and was really looking forward to going. Unfortunately it being the first day of the conference the next day it was dead and pretty rubbish, I was assured it would be better the next night. Still I was happy to be seeing a bit of Cannes and having some lovely meals and a general great time.
The next day it was early doors for the start of the conference. We were exhibiting and I was going to be one of the first on the stand to set up. Thank god I was sensible and felt absolutely fine. I’d forgone breakfast in favour of a little longer in bed – especially as it was nothing spectacular the day before. The show went really well – and I was flying back the next morning...tonight was going to be special.
I ended up attending various networking parties until 7pm, so unfortunately I was unable to go home and change into my party dress and put a fresh face of make up on. I did however feel pretty elated when I met the rest of the team at another French restaurant; Cafe Boehme. I got stuck into another glass of rose. Conference over it was time for some fun, and what a way to start.
The menu looked fantastic. I opted for the mozzarella and tomato salad to start. It was enormous and every bit as good as it looked. For the main I had been hankering for some decent fish, although I’d been warned off shell fish as apparently others who have had the shell fish in Cannes have gotten ill. Therefore the tuna with a sesame crust was appealing. Yet again, absolutely out of this world. I would go as far as saying the best thing I’ve eaten since I was in Vegas.
Now it was on to the beach club. We were sponsoring this evening and there was a band on – No Expectations made up of some very influential people in the world of TV, although the songs they were playing were great they were not a ‘professional’ standard Again it was quiet when we arrived, but it was also fairly early. The only sensible thing to do? Rum and coke, and they weren’t skimping on the measures.
One bad thing about a gorgeous Cannes evening, a beach club and a band? Sand vs my freshly heeled Louboutins. They did not like it one bit.
Several rum and cokes later it was full throttle on the dance floor. Flailing limbs and sandy shoes, while still in the clothes I’ve been wearing all day and no fresh make up, I must have looked fantastic...
The next day? One word...ouch. I had taken myself off home without saying goodbye to anyone – seemed like the sensible thing to do. The next morning I was hoping my dancing wasn’t going to be topic of conversation. Luckily it was not. Just a couple of hours at the conference before the trip back to sunny London, where the heat wave was well and truly over.
I loved Cannes, I can’t wait to go back.
This fantastic artwork is all over Cannes representing different countries

The only way is to be Made in Chelsea

One of the hottest days of the year...and a day off for me, timing. I had a fair bit to do before Cannes so no lie in...well out of bed at 8.25 isn't too bad for a work day. I was amazed how efficient I was in the morning, I had to pick up the last bits I needed from town then have my nails done. I was still aiming to boycott the butcher/pedicurist so a new one would have to be found. The ones I had done in Ealing were sub standard, it's so annoying when somewhere you know and trust let's you down!
I walked to the nearest half decent shopping area managed to be there for the doors opening at 9am, 2 shops then a walk home in less than an hour! Amazing. It wasn't until I was on my way home that I realised I needed to return a DVD to Sainsbury’s (apparently we don’t need three copies of Sex And The City 2 in the house). I had left said DVD at home, meaning I'd have to go out again to return it...not as efficient as I thought. In terms of nail bars as well...why opening so late?! No luck there so headed home again. I decided I would bite the bullet and go back to the original nail place, I knew when they opened...I knew the cost and I knew they would do a good job. En route however I did stumble upon another one. I decide to poke my head in and ask for the price...alas it is the same as my original £13 for an infill. (Trust me, the Vietnamese run places are so well priced and much better than some of the high street chains were you can pay upwards of £70.)
The girls in there were all very nice and I selected my nail colour..albeit from a smaller selection than my normal place, but a change may not be too bad! They started working on my nails and I was pretty impressed, she did a good job. The only place they fell down was on the painting, she smudged it a bit and there is no UV dryer, so they weren’t fully dry, hence they smudged more when I left. Not bad enough to really worry about, but they weren’t perfect. I’ll probably go back here though – just because it is close to home and a good price, the quality was good enough.
So nails and shopping done all before 12, this was progress, and what was in store for the rest of this gorgeous day? Lunching on the Kings Road dhaaaling!
An appropriate hot weather Chelsea friendly outfit was selected, a nude body con top tucked into faded denim shorts and black wedges. I've never been to Kings Road so it was a pleasant surprise when I exited the tube station and it lived up to expectations. The venue we were going for lunch was a fair way down so we got to window shop a number of gorgeous shops. We also observed how nice even the McDonalds was...and the Pizza Express looks like it belongs in Caesars Palace!
Our destination? The Bluebird Cafe. After a good Google of the best alfresco dining venues this really stood out, the courtyard is huge and really nicely laid out. The added bonus I wasn't expecting? Freshly grilled burgers on the BBQ! Amazing, that was my menu selection sorted! But first things first...a jug of Pimms was practically mandatory.

The clientele here were clearly a very affluent bunch ('obvs'). How they manage to accumulate all of those shopping bags while tottering around in 6 inch platorm Louboutins is beyond me, but can someone please show me?!
I ordered the burger which also came with bacon, salsa, coleslaw and fries...all of the above? Out of this world. The burger although pretty much dripping with grease was delicious, the bacon crispy, the ‘slaw tangy and the fries thin cut, deelish. I didn't even feel guilty eating it since everyone at the restaurant was a size 6, clearly they have all the calories removed from their food.

We enjoyed a couple of hours here before deciding we wanted some late afternoon sun (the garden had shaded over by 4). We walked back up the Kings Road as had passed a number of potential establishments. We stumbled upon black and blue, or was quiet (too late for lunch, too early for dinner) but the seats were in the sun and the cocktail menu was appealing. I opted for a Terrys martini, and Terry’s it was! With vodka and orange liquor and something chocolatey – it was amazing, but it went down all too fast!
Now it was decision time....stay drinking into the night or head home at a sensible time to pack properly for Cannes? Sensibility took over and off we headed, I was being picked up in the morning for 4 days in the south of France, do I want to be hungover for that?!
However...I did not go home before I had a good snog. I've never had one before and lots of people were walking down the street having one, and am not one to want to miss out!

Bluebird ratings:

Atmosphere: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Drink: 3/5
Overall: 4/5

Absolutely recommend for a sunny day.


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