I'm not a big 'downloader' of apps. I like what I like and have not in anyway got into 'Draw Something', total waste of time. Some apps I have a lot of time for are photography. I am addicted to Instagram and tend to think the treatment on here makes me a professional photographer. A new one which could either go crazy or disappear is Cinemagram. I started off thinking the former, I was kind of addicted instantly trying to think of things to do-this is where I kind of fell down.
Cinemagram is an iPhone app that lets you take a short video (literally a couple of seconds) then animate only a small part of this, giving the impression of something that shouldn't be happening. Turns out this is a difficult concept to describe to someone in the pub, as the point is it shouldn't be any bit of video you could just take-it needs to be reality suspending.
Some great examples I've seen use shadows and mirrors...you get the idea. My attempts have been pretty futile. As you can see...I'm using the limited resources at my disposal...
I unfortunately don't have loads of photography time being at work all day, so you make do. I intend to do more interesting things - but in the meantime go to the app store and download while it's still free and before everyone else buys it and whacks the price tag up...I promise I'll work on something more exciting.
Cinemagram is an iPhone app that lets you take a short video (literally a couple of seconds) then animate only a small part of this, giving the impression of something that shouldn't be happening. Turns out this is a difficult concept to describe to someone in the pub, as the point is it shouldn't be any bit of video you could just take-it needs to be reality suspending.

I unfortunately don't have loads of photography time being at work all day, so you make do. I intend to do more interesting things - but in the meantime go to the app store and download while it's still free and before everyone else buys it and whacks the price tag up...I promise I'll work on something more exciting.
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