Saturday, 7 April 2012

Big Apple Hot Dogs...#BlogEatBlog

It's been such a long time since I've had a chance to blog anything...mainly since I've been organising a wedding (not mine) travelling to Barcelona, Brighton, Cannes and err I can't really remember where else. Suffice today I have been lacking in time / life. Rectified as of right now.

I'm going to start with a quickie on big apple hot dogs #blogeatblog competition 3 weeks ago (I can't believe it's been that long). After a very swish night out at Aqua and Mews of Mayfair we were to spend Sunday in what we thought was t be a lovely wedding dress shop trying on fantastic outfits (her) and ohhing while sipping champagne (me). To dispel the hangover blues we headed to brick lane for the hot dog cook off I had heard about through twitter.

We rocked up after a quick jaunt to the Shoreditch box park pop up mall.

It really is very clever, retailers can bring in their best produce, have a small unit that is contracted for a short period.

When we arrived at vibe bar the bloggers were just setting up, leaving enough time to grab a beer an a seat in the garden to soak up the unseasonably nice weather,

 Once we got comfortable I ventured over to the BBQ that was smelling awesome. After perusing a pinky coleslaw topping and a traditional oniony topping I opted (of course) for the jam hot. Chili bacon, chorizo, jack Daniels and jalapeño battered in cider...with a spicy cheese sauce. Sign. Me. Up.

It was amazing I wasn't sure how I managed to eat it without making a complete mess...but I did. It was perfect just what we needed. My dining partner opted for a hybrid:
Looks amazing doesn't it? I have seen Big Apple Hot Dogs at his regular Old Street pitch but have never popped over, it's a bit too far from work and home but for this..if you're in the area give it a go. I'm not sure who won the hot dog cook off as we had other things to do, but Jam Hot rocked my world.

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